Sun B2B Suite ebXML Protocol Manager User's Guide

Configuring eWays on Connectivity Maps

This section explains how to configure the properties of eWay external system instances on the sample Projects’ Connectivity Maps.

Note –

If directories listed in this section are not already present as subdirectories of C:\temp\eXchange\Sample\, you must create them, according to the path locations shown.

Use the default properties, except in the following cases:

File eWay: From Atlanta

The Atlanta Company’s clientOutebXMLAtlanta Project Connectivity Map cmClientOutebXML has an eWay external system instance named extFileIn. Modify the default properties as follows:

File eWay: From Berlin

Inbound: The Berlin Company’s clientOutebXMLBerlin Project Connectivity Map cmClientOutebXML has an eWay external system instance named extFileIn. Modify the default properties as follows:

Batch eWay

Configure the Target Directory Name property for the external system instance extBatchLocalFileOut on the Connectivity Map cmToInternal as follows:
