Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Sun StorageTek Availability Suite

Chapter 2 Administering Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Groups

This chapter describes the procedures for administering data replication with Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software. This chapter contains the following sections:

Strategies for Creating Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Groups

Before you begin creating protection groups, consider the following strategies:

Before you create a protection group by using the steps in the following sections, ensure that the following prerequisites are met.

Creating a Protection Group While the Application Is Offline

To create a protection group while the application resource group is offline, complete the following steps.

Creating a Protection Group While the Application Is Online

To add an existing application resource group to a new protection group without taking the application offline, complete the following steps on the cluster where the application resource group is online.

Complete the following steps on the other cluster.

Example 2–1 Creating a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group While the Application Remains Online

This example creates a protection group without taking the application offline.

In this example, the apprg1 resource group is online on the cluster-paris cluster.

  1. Create the protection group on the cluster-paris cluster.

    1. On a node of the cluster where an application resource group is already running, check and fix any Nodelist inconsistencies that might exist between the resource group and the device group with which the resource group has affinities.

    2. Create the protection group with a matching Nodelist.

      phys-paris-1# clresourcegroup show -v apprg1 | grep Nodelist
        Nodelist:                                       phys-paris-1 phys-paris-2
      phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup show -v avsdg1 | grep "Node List:"
        Node List:                                       phys-paris-2, phys-paris-1

    The node list of the device group is in a different order from the node list of the resource group. The order of the node list of the device group is changed as follows:

    phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup set -p preferenced=true -n phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2 avsdg

    You can also change the node list of a resource group to meet this requirement.

    The protection group is created with a Nodelist identical to the Nodelist of the resource group and device group:

    phys-paris-1# geopg create -d avs -p Nodelist=phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2 \
    -o Primary -s paris-newyork-ps avspg
    phys-paris-1# Protection group "avspg" has been successfully created
  2. Add the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite device group, avsdg, to the protection group.

    phys-paris-1# geopg add-device-group -p Local_logical_host=lh-paris-1 \
    -p Remote_logical_host=lh-newyork-1 -p Enable_volume_set=True avsdg avspg
  3. Verify that the data replication resource groups and the lightweight resource groups have been created and are online. Also, verify that the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite volume set has been enabled by setting the Enable-volume-set property to True.

    phys-paris-1# dsstat 
    name             t      s       pct     role    ckps    dkps    tps    svt 
    /avsdg/rdsk/d100 P      L      100.00   net      -       0       0      0 
    /avsdg/rdsk/d101                        bmp      0       0       0      0 
    phys-paris-1# clresource list -v
    Resource Name         Resource Type            Resource Group
    -------------         -------------            --------------
    geo-clustername       SUNW.LogicalHostname:2   geo-infrastructure
    geo-hbmonitor         SUNW.HBmonitor           geo-infrastructure
    geo-failovercontrol   SUNW.scmasa              geo-infrastructure
    lh-paris-1            SUNW.LogicalHostname:2   avsdg-stor-rg
    avsdg-stor            SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4     avsdg-stor-rg
    avsdg-rep-rs          SUNW.GeoCtlAVS           avspg-rep-rg
    avs-lh                SUNW.LogicalHostname:2   apprg1
    avs-stor              SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4     apprg1
    avs-server-res        SUNW.oracle_server:6     apprg1
    avs-listener-res      SUNW.oracle_listener:5   apprg1
    phys-paris-1# clresourcegroup status
    === Cluster Resource Groups ===
    Group Name            Node Name    Suspended    Status
    ----------            ---------    ---------    ------
    geo-clusterstate      phys-paris-1    No         Online
                          phys-paris-2    No         Online
    geo-infrastructure    phys-paris-1    No         Online
                          phys-paris-2    No         Offline
    avsdg-stor-rg         phys-paris-1    No         Online
                          phys-paris-2    No         Offline
    avspg-rep-rg          phys-paris-1    No         Online
                          phys-paris-2    No         Offline
    apprg1                phys-paris-1    No         Online
                          phys-paris-2    No         Offline
    phys-paris-1# clresource status
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name         Node Name      State       Status Message
    -------------         ---------      -----       --------------
    geo-clustername       phys-paris-1   Online      Online - LogicalHostname online.
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    geo-hbmonitor         phys-paris-1   Online      Online
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    geo-failovercontrol   phys-paris-1   Online      Online
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    lh-paris-1            phys-paris-1   Online      Online - LogicalHostname online.
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    avsdg-stor            phys-paris-1   Online      Online
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    avsdg-rep-rs          phys-paris-1   Online      Degraded - Logging
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    avs-lh                phys-paris-1   Online      Online - LogicalHostname online.
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    avs-stor              phys-paris-1   Online      Online
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    avs-server-res        phys-paris-1   Online      Online
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline
    avs-listener-res      phys-paris-1   Online      Online
                          phys-paris-2   Offline     Offline

    For the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite 4 software, this command is located at /usr/sbin/dsstat. For the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 software, this command is located at /usr/opt/SUNWesm/sbin/dsstat.

  4. Activate the protection group locally.

    phys-paris-1# geopg start -e local avspg
    Processing operation.... this may take a while....
    Protection group "avspg" successfully started.
  5. Add an application resource group that is already online to the protection group.

    phys-paris-1# geopg add-resource-group apprg1 avspg
    Following resource groups were successfully inserted:

    Verify that the application resource group was added successfully.

    phys-paris-1# geoadm status
    Cluster: cluster-paris
       Partnership "paris-newyork-ps"      : OK
          Partner clusters                 : newyork
          Synchronization                  : OK
          ICRM Connection                  : OK
          Heartbeat "hb_cluster-paris~cluster-newyork" monitoring \
    "paris-newyork-ps" OK 
             Plug-in "ping-plugin"            : Inactive
             Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"         : OK
       Protection group "avspg"               : Unknown
          Partnership                         : paris-newyork-ps
          Synchronization                     : Error
          Cluster cluster-paris               : Degraded
             Role                             : Primary
             Activation State                 : Activated
             Configuration                    : OK
             Data replication                 : Degraded
             Resource groups                  : OK
          Cluster cluster-newyork             : Unknown
             Role                             : Unknown
             Activation State                 : Unknown
             Configuration                    : Unknown
             Data Replication                 : Unknown
             Resource Groups                  : Unknown
  6. On one node of the partner cluster, retrieve the protection group.

    phys-newyork-1# geopg get -s paris-newyork-ps avspg
    Protection group "avspg" has been successfully created.
  7. Verify that the data replication resource groups and the lightweight resource groups have been created and brought online.

    phys-newyork-1# dsstat
    name                  t  s   pct    role   ckps   dkps   tps   svt
    /avsdg/rdsk/d100      S  L  100.00  net     -      0      0     0
    /avsdg/rdsk/d101                    bmp     0      0      0     0
    phys-newyork-1# clresource list -v
    Resource Name         Resource Type            Resource Group
    -------------         -------------            --------------
    geo-clustername       SUNW.LogicalHostname:2   geo-infrastructure
    geo-hbmonitor         SUNW.HBmonitor           geo-infrastructure
    geo-failovercontrol   SUNW.scmasa              geo-infrastructure
    lh-newyork-1          SUNW.LogicalHostname:2   avsdg-stor-rg
    avsdg-stor            SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4     avsdg-stor-rg
    avsdg-rep-rs          SUNW.GeoCtlAVS           avspg-rep-rg
    avs-lh                SUNW.LogicalHostname:2   apprg1
    avs-stor              SUNW.HAStoragePlus:4     apprg1
    avs-server-res        SUNW.oracle_server:6     apprg1
    avs-listener-res      SUNW.oracle_listener:5   apprg1
    phys-newyork-1# clresourcegroup status
    === Cluster Resource Groups ===
    Group Name            Node Name    Suspended    Status
    ----------            ---------    ---------    ------
    geo-clusterstate      phys-newyork-1    No      Online
                          phys-newyork-2    No      Online
    geo-infrastructure    phys-newyork-1    No      Online
                          phys-newyork-2    No      Offline
    avsdg-stor-rg         phys-newyork-1    No      Online
                          phys-newyork-2    No      Offline
    avspg-rep-rg          phys-newyork-1    No      Online
                          phys-newyork-2    No      Offline
    apprg1                phys-newyork-1    No      Unmanaged
                          phys-newyork-2    No      Unmanaged
    phys-newyork-1# clresource status
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name         Node Name        State     Status Message
    -------------         ---------        -----     --------------
    geo-clustername       phys-newyork-1   Online    Online - LogicalHostname online.
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    geo-hbmonitor         phys-newyork-1   Online    Online
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    geo-failovercontrol   phys-newyork-1   Online    Online
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    lh-newyork-1          phys-newyork-1   Online    Online - LogicalHostname online.
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    avsdg-stor            phys-newyork-1   Online    Online
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    avsdg-rep-rs          phys-newyork-1   Online    Degraded - Logging
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    avs-lh                phys-newyork-1   Offline   Offline
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    avs-stor              phys-newyork-1   Offline   Offline
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    avs-server-res        phys-newyork-1   Offline   Offline
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline
    avs-listener-res      phys-newyork-1   Offline   Offline
                          phys-newyork-2   Offline   Offline 

    For the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite 4 software, this command is located at /usr/sbin/dsstat. For the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2.1 software, this command is located at /usr/opt/SUNWesm/sbin/dsstat.

  8. Activate the protection group locally on the partner cluster.

    phys-newyork-1# geopg start -e local avspg
    Processing operation.... this may take a while....
    Protection group "avspg" successfully started.
  9. Verify that the protection group was successfully created and activated.

    Running the geoadm status command on cluster-paris produces the following output:

    phys-paris-1# geoadm status
    Cluster: cluster-paris
    Partnership "paris-newyork-ps": OK
      Partner clusters    : cluster-newyork
      Synchronization     : OK
      ICRM Connection     : OK
      Heartbeat "paris-to-newyork" monitoring "cluster-newyork": OK
         Heartbeat plug-in "ping_plugin"   : Inactive
         Heartbeat plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin": OK
    Protection group "tcpg"  : OK
      Partnership            : "paris-newyork-ps"
      Synchronization        : OK      
      Cluster cluster-paris   : OK
         Role                 : Primary
         PG activation state  : Activated
         Configuration        : OK
         Data replication     : OK
         Resource groups      : OK
      Cluster cluster-newyork : OK
         Role                 : Secondary
         PG activation state  : Activated
         Configuration        : OK
         Data replication     : OK    
         Resource groups      : OK        

Creating, Modifying, Validating, and Deleting a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

This section contains procedures for the following tasks:

Note –

You can create protection groups that are not configured to use data replication. To create a protection group that does not use a data replication subsystem, omit the -d datareplicationtype option when you use the geopg command. The geoadm status command shows a state for data replication of NONE.

ProcedureHow to Create and Configure a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following conditions are met:

Note –

Protection group names are unique in the global Sun Cluster Geographic Edition namespace. You cannot use the same protection group name in two partnerships on the same system.

You can also replicate the existing configuration of a protection group from a remote cluster to the local cluster. For more information, see Replicating the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Create a new protection group by using the geopg create command.

    This command creates a protection group on all nodes of the local cluster.

    # geopg create -s partnershipname -d avs \
    -o localrole [-p property [-p...]] \
    -s partnershipname

    Specifies the name of the partnership.

    -d avs

    Specifies that the protection group data is replicated by Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software.

    -o localrole

    Specifies the role of this protection group on the local cluster as either primary or secondary.

    -p propertysetting

    Specifies the properties of the protection group.

    You can specify the following properties:

    • Description – Describes the protection group.

    • Timeout – Specifies the timeout period for the protection group in seconds.

    • Enable_volume_set – Enables the volume set automatically at protection group creation time when set to true.

      For more information about automatically enabling a volume set, see Enabling a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Volume Set.

    • Nodelist – Lists the host names of the machines that can be primary for the device group in the protection group.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Properties, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    For information about the names and values that are supported by Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Entities, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    For more information about the geopg command, refer to the geopg(1M) man page.

    Before creating the protection group, the data replication layer validates that the configuration is correct.

    If the validation is successful, the local Configuration status is set to OK and the Synchronization status is set to Error.

    If the validation is unsuccessful, the protection group is not created.

Example 2–2 Creating and Configuring a Protection Group

This example creates a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite protection group on the cluster-paris cluster, which is set as the primary cluster.

phys-paris-1# geopg create -s paris-newyork-ps -d avs -o primary \
-p Nodelist=phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2 avspg 

ProcedureHow to Modify a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

Ensure that the protection group you want to modify exists locally.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Modify the configuration of the protection group.

    If the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name, the geopg set-prop command also propagates the new configuration information to the partner cluster.

    # geopg set-prop -p property[-p...] protectiongroupname
    -p propertysetting

    Specifies the properties of the protection group.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Properties, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    The geopg set-prop command revalidates the protection group with the new configuration information. If the validation is unsuccessful on the local cluster, the configuration of the protection group is not modified. Otherwise, the Configuration status is set to OK on the local cluster.

    If the Configuration status is OK on the local cluster, but the validation is in unsuccessful on the partner cluster, the Configuration status is set to Error on the partner cluster.

    For information about the names and values that are supported by Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Entities, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    For more information about the geopg command, refer to the geopg(1M) man page.

Example 2–3 Modifying the Configuration of a Protection Group

This example modifies the timeout property of the protection group that was created in Example 2–2.

# geopg set-prop -p Timeout=300 avspg

ProcedureHow to Validate a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

When the Configuration status of a protection group is displayed as Error in the geoadm status output, you can validate the configuration by using the geopg validate command. This command checks the current state of the protection group and its entities.

If the protection group and its entities are valid, then the Configuration status of the protection groups is set to OK. If the geopg validate command finds an error in the configuration files, then the command displays a message about the error and the configuration remains in the error state. In such a case, you can fix the error in the configuration, and run the geopg validate command again.

This command validates the configuration of the protection group on the local cluster only. To validate the protection group configuration on the partner cluster, run the command again on the partner cluster.

Before validating the configuration of a protection group, ensure that the protection group you want to validate exists locally and that the common agent container is online on all nodes of both clusters in the partnership.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Validate the configuration of the protection group.

    This command validates the configuration of the protection group on the local cluster only.

    # geopg validate protectiongroupname 

    Specifies a unique name that identifies a single protection group

Example 2–4 Validating the Configuration of a Protection Group

This example validates a protection group.

# geopg validate avspg

How the Data Replication Layer Validates the Application Resource Groups and Data Replication Entities

During protection group validation, the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite data replication layer validates the application resource groups and the data replication entities as follows:

If the Enable_volume_set property of a successfully validated device group is set to True, then volume sets defined in the /var/cluster/geo/avs/avsdg-volset.ini file are enabled. Other volume sets for the device group are disabled. If you want to enable the other volume sets, you can add the volume sets to the /var/cluster/geo/avs/avsdg-volset.ini file or set the Enable_volume_set property to False.

When validation is complete, the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software creates the lightweight resource group, the replication resource group, and the resources for this replication resource group, if nonexistent, and brings them online. If a resource group or resource of the same name already exists, the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition operations might modify their properties. Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software cannot create a new resource group or resource of the same name if one already exists.

The Configuration status is set to OK after successful validation. If validation is not successful, the Configuration status is set to Error.

ProcedureHow to Delete a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

To delete a protection group on all clusters, run the geopg delete command on each cluster where the protection group exists.

Before deleting a protection group, ensure that the following conditions are met.

Note –

To keep the application resource groups online while deleting a protection group, you must remove the application resource groups from the protection group.

  1. Log in to a node on the cluster where you want to delete the protection group, for example, cluster-paris.

    The cluster-paris is the primary cluster. See Example Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Cluster Configuration in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide for a sample cluster configuration.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Delete the protection group.

    This command deletes the configuration of the protection group from the local cluster. The command also removes the lightweight resource group and the replication resource group for each device group in the protection group.

    # geopg delete protectiongroupname 

    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    If the deletion is unsuccessful, the Configuration status is set to Error. Fix the cause of the error and rerun the geopg delete command.

Example 2–5 Deleting a Protection Group

This example deletes a protection group from both partner clusters.

# rlogin cluster-paris -l root
cluster-paris# geopg delete avspg
# rlogin cluster-newyork -l root
cluster-newyork# geopg delete avspg

Example 2–6 Deleting a Protection Group While Keeping Application Resource Groups Online

This example keeps online two application resource groups (apprg1 and apprg2) while deleting the protection group that they share, avspg.

Remove the application resource groups from the protection group, then delete the protection group.

# geopg remove-resource-group apprg1,apprg2 avspg 
# geopg stop -e global avspg
# geopg delete avspg

Administering Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Application Resource Groups

To make an application highly available, the application must be managed as a resource in an application resource group.

All of the entities that you configure for the application resource group on the primary cluster, such as application data resources, configuration files, and resource groups, must be replicated to the secondary cluster. The resource group names must be identical on both clusters. Also, the data that the application resource uses must be replicated to the secondary cluster.

This section contains information about the following tasks:

ProcedureHow to Add an Application Resource Group to a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

You can add an existing resource group to the list of application resource groups for a protection group. Before you add an application resource group to a protection group, ensure that the following conditions are met:

The protection group can be activated or deactivated and the resource group can be either Online or Unmanaged.

If the resource group is Unamanged and the protection group is activated after the configuration of the protection group has changed, then the local state of the protection group becomes Error.

If the resource group to add is Online and the protection group is deactivated, the request is rejected. You must activate the protection group before adding an online resource group.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Add an application resource group to the protection group.

    # geopg add-resource-group resourcegrouplist protectiongroup

    Specifies the name of the application resource group.

    You can specify more than one resource group in a comma-separated list.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    This command adds an application resource group to a protection group on the local cluster. Then the command propagates the new configuration information to the partner cluster if the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name.

    For information about the names and values that are supported by Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Entities, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    If the add operation is unsuccessful on the local cluster, the configuration of the protection group is not modified. Otherwise, the Configuration status is set to OK on the local cluster.

    If the Configuration status is OK on the local cluster, but the add operation is unsuccessful on the partner cluster, the Configuration status is set to Error on the partner cluster.

    After the application resource group is added to the protection group, the application resource group is managed as an entity of the protection group. Then the application resource group is affected by protection group operations such as start, stop, switchover, and takeover.

    If the application resource group is a failover type resource group that shares affinities with a device group in the same protection group, the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software alters its RG_affinities property to include a strong, positive affinity to an internal resource group, called a lightweight resource group. This affinity includes failover delegation.

    The application resource group must not have strong, positive affinities that have failover delegation with other resource groups. Otherwise, trying to include a strong positive affinity with failover delegation on the lightweight resource group fails.

    The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software also creates strong dependencies between the HAStoragePlus resource in the application resource group and the HAStoragePlus resource in the lightweight resource group for this device group. This redirection occurs when the protection group is brought online or when an online application resource group is added to an online protection group.

    Do not modify dependencies and resource group affinities between application resource groups and lightweight resource groups.

Example 2–7 Adding an Application Resource Group to a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

This example adds two application resource groups, apprg1 and apprg2, to avspg.

# geopg add-resource-group apprg1,apprg2 avspg

ProcedureHow to Delete an Application Resource Group From a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

You can remove an application resource group from a protection group without altering the state or contents of the application resource group.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, seeSun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Remove the application resource group from the protection group.

    This command removes an application resource group from a protection group on the local cluster. If the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name, the application resource group is also removed from the protection group of the partner cluster.

    # geopg remove-resource-group resourcegrouplist \

    Specifies the name of the application resource group.

    You can specify more than one resource group in a comma-separated list.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    If the resource group that is being removed shares dependencies with other resource groups in the protection group, then you must also remove all other resource groups that share dependencies with the resource group that is being removed.

    If the remove operation failed on the local cluster, the configuration of the protection group is not modified. Otherwise, the Configuration status is set to OK on the local cluster.

    If the Configuration status is OK on the local cluster, but the remove operation is unsuccessful on the partner cluster, the Configuration status is set to Error on the partner cluster.

    Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software removes the affinity and resource dependencies between the application resource group and the lightweight resource group.

Example 2–8 Deleting an Application Resource Group From a Protection Group

This example removes two application resource groups, apprg1 and apprg2, from avspg.

# geopg remove-resource-group apprg1,apprg2 avspg

Administering Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Data Replication Device Groups

This section describes the following tasks for administering data replication device groups in a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite protection group:

For details about configuring a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite protection group, see How to Create and Configure a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group.

ProcedureHow to Add a Data Replication Device Group to a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

A protection group is the container for the application resource groups, which contain data for services that are protected from disaster. Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software protects the data by replicating it from the primary cluster to the secondary cluster. By adding a Sun Cluster device group to a protection group, Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software monitors the replication status of all volumes in the device group that belong to a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite volume set. Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software also controls the role and state of the volume set during protection group operations like start, stop, switchover, and takeover.

Before you add a device group to a protection group, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Add a data replication device group to the protection group.

    This command adds a device group to a protection group on the local cluster and propagates the new configuration to the partner cluster if the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name.

    # geopg add-device-group -p property [-p...] \
    AVSdevicegroupname protectiongroupname 
    -p property

    Specifies the properties of the data replication device group.

    You can specify the following Sun StorageTek Availability Suite properties:

    • Local_logical_host – Specifies the name of the local logical host that is used to replicate the device group.

    • Remote_logical_host – Specifies the name of the remote logical host that is used to replicate the device group.

    • Enable_volume_set – Specifies whether the volume sets in the file should be enabled automatically. Set to either True or False.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Properties, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.


    Specifies the name of the new data replication device group.


    Specifies the name of the protection group that will contain the new data replication device group.

    For information about the names and values that are supported by Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software, see Appendix B, Legal Names and Values of Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Entities, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

    For more information about the geopg command, refer to the geopg(1M) man page.

Example 2–9 Adding a Data Replication Device Group to a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

This example creates a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite data replication device group in the avspg protection group.

# geopg add-device-group -p Local_logical_host=lh-paris-1 \
-p Remote_logical_host=lh-newyork-1 avsdg avspg

How the Data Replication Subsystem Verifies the Device Group

The device group that Sun StorageTek Availability Suite controls is added to a protection group. The data replication layer verifies that the device group exists and that the value of its Nodelist property contains the same entries in identical order to the Nodelist property of the protection group.

When the geopg add-device-group command runs, a lightweight resource group for the device group is created and brought online. The lightweight resource group contains the following resources:

For more information about lightweight resource groups and their resources, see Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Lightweight Resource Groups.

When you run the geopg add-device-group command, a replication resource of the type GeoCtlAVS is created in the replication resource group of each device group in the protection group and brought online. For information about the format of the replication resource group, see Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Replication Resource Groups.

The Nodelist property of the lightweight resource group and replication resource group contains the same entries in identical order to the Nodelist property of the protection group.

If a resource or resource group of the same name is already configured on the local cluster, Sun Cluster Geographic Edition verifies the configuration and sets the Configuration to Error if the configuration is not correct.

If the Enable_volume_set property of this device group is set to True, then volume sets that are defined in the /var/cluster/geo/avs/AVS-devicegroup-volset.ini file are enabled. Otherwise, Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software controls and monitors all volume sets that you enable manually by using the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite commands.

If the geopg add-device-group command is unsuccessful, the configuration of the protection group is not modified.

If the geopg add-device-group command is successful and the Configuration status on the local cluster is set to OK, then the new configuration is propagated to the partner cluster. This propagation causes the whole protection group configuration to revalidate on the partner cluster. During revalidation, the same entities are created on the partner cluster, including the lightweight resource group and the replication resource group. Volume sets are also enabled on the partner clusters if the /var/cluster/geo/avs/AVS-devicegroup-volset.ini file exists on the partner cluster and contains correctly defined volume sets. If the validation is unsuccessful, then the Configuration status on the partner cluster is set to Error on the partner cluster.

Caution – Caution –

Do not use Sun Cluster commands to change, remove, or bring offline these resources or resource groups. Use only Sun Cluster Geographic Edition commands to administer lightweight resource groups, replication resource groups, and resources that are internal entities managed by Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software. Altering the configuration or state of these entities directly with Sun Cluster commands could result in unrecoverable failure.

If the device group on the partner cluster is validated successfully and the Enable_volume_set property of this device group is set to true, then the volume sets that are defined in the /var/cluster/geo/avs/AVS-devicegroup-volset.ini file are enabled on the partner cluster. Other volume sets of the device group are disabled.

After the device group has been added to the protection group, you can enable or disable the volume sets of the device group directly by using the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite commands. The /var/cluster/geo/avs/AVS-devicegroup-volset.ini file is used only when the protection group that contains the device group is successfully validated for the first time.

ProcedureHow to Modify a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Data Replication Device Group

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Modify the device group.

    This command modifies the properties of a device group in a protection group on the local cluster. Then the command propagates the new configuration to the partner cluster if the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name.

    # geopg modify-device-group -p property [-p...] \
    AVSdevicegroupname protectiongroupname 
    -p property

    Specifies the properties of the data replication device group.

    For more information about the properties you can set, see Appendix A, Standard Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Properties, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.


    Specifies the name of the new data replication device group.


    Specifies the name of the protection group that will contain the new data replication device group.

ProcedureHow to Delete a Data Replication Device Group From a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

You might need to delete a data replication device group from a protection group if you added a data replication device group to a protection group. Normally, after an application is configured to write to a set of disks, you would not change the disks.

Before you remove a data replication device group, ensure that the following conditions are met:

For information about deleting protection groups, refer to How to Delete a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Remove the device group.

    This command removes a device group from a protection group on the local cluster. Then the command propagates the new configuration to the partner cluster if the partner cluster contains a protection group of the same name.

    This command removes the device group from the protection group. This command also disables all volume sets associated with the device group and deletes the lightweight resource group and replication resource group for this device group.

    # geopg remove-device-group AVSdevicegroupname protectiongroupname

    Specifies the name of the data replication device group


    Specifies the name of the protection group

Example 2–10 Deleting a Replication Device Group From a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

This example deletes a data replication device group from a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite protection group.

# geopg remove avsdg avspg

Replicating the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster

You can replicate the configuration of a protection group to the partner cluster either before or after you configure data replication, resource groups, and resources on both clusters.

ProcedureHow to Replicate the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group Configuration to a Partner Cluster

Before You Begin

Before you replicate the configuration of a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite protection group to a partner cluster, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. Log in to phys-newyork-1.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Replicate the protection group configuration to the partner cluster by using the geopg get command.

    This command retrieves the configuration information of the protection group from the remote cluster and creates the protection group on the local cluster.

    # geopg get -s partnershipname \
    -s partnershipname

    Specifies the name of the partnership from which the protection group configuration information is gathered


    Specifies the name of the protection group

    Note –

    The geopg get command replicates Sun Cluster Geographic Edition related entities. For information about how to replicate Sun Cluster entities, see Replicating and Upgrading Configuration Data for Resource Groups, Resource Types, and Resources in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS.

Example 2–11 Replicating the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group to a Partner Cluster

This example replicates the configuration of avspg to cluster-newyork.

The configuration of the protection group is retrieved from the remote cluster, in this example cluster-paris, and then validated by the data replication subsystem on the local cluster, cluster-newyork.

If the validation is successful, the Configuration status is set to OK and the protection group is created on the local cluster. This protection group contains a device group and an application group that are configured almost identically to the device group and application group on the remote cluster.

If the validation fails, the protection group is not created on the local cluster. Fix the cause of the error and replicate it again.

# rlogin phys-newyork-1 -l root
phys-newyork-1# geopg get -s paris-newyork-ps avspg

Activating and Deactivating a Protection Group

When you activate a protection group, it assumes the role that you assigned to it during configuration.

For more information about configuring protection groups, see How to Create and Configure a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group.

ProcedureHow to Activate a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

You can activate a protection group in the following ways:

When you activate a protection group, the data replication product you are using determines the clusters on which data replication can start. For example, the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software allows data replication to start only from the primary cluster. So, if you activate a protection group from the secondary cluster, data replication does not start.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Activate the protection group.

    This command activates the protection group on the local cluster.

    When you activate a protection group on the primary cluster, its application resource groups are also brought online.

    # geopg start -e scope [-n] AVSprotectiongroup
    -e scope

    Specifies the scope of the command.

    If the scope is Local, then the command operates on the local cluster only. If the scope is Global, the command operates on both clusters that deploy the protection group.

    Note –

    The property values, such as Global and Local, are not case sensitive.


    Prevents the start of data replication at protection group startup.

    If you omit this option, the data replication subsystem starts at the same time as the protection group and the command performs the following operations on each device group in the protection group:

    • Verifies that the role configured for the replication resource is the same as the role of the protection group on the local cluster.

    • Verifies that the role of the volume sets associated with the device group is the same as the role of the protection group on the local cluster.

    • If the role of the protection group on the local cluster is secondary, unmounts the local volumes defined in all volume sets associated with the device group.

    • If the role of the protection group on the local cluster is primary, enables the autosynchronization feature of the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite remote mirror software. Also, resynchronizes the volume sets associated with the device group.


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    The geopg start command uses the scswitch -Z -g resourcegroups command to bring resource groups and resources online. For more information about using this command, see the scswitch(1M) man page.

    The geopg start command performs the following actions if the role of the protection group is primary on the local cluster:

    • The command runs a script that is defined in the RoleChange_ActionCmd.

    • The command brings the application resource groups in the protection group online on the local cluster.

    • If the application resource group is a failover type resource group that shares affinities with a device group in the same protection group, the command adds strong, positive affinities and failover delegation between the application resource group and the lightweight resource group.

      The application resource group must not have strong, positive affinities with failover delegation. Otherwise, the attempt to add strong, positive affinities with failover delegation with the lightweight resource group will fail.

    • The command creates strong dependencies between the HAStoragePlus resource in the application resource group and the HAStoragePlus resource in the lightweight resource group for this device group.

    If the command fails, the Configuration status might be set to Error, depending on the cause of the failure. The protection group remains deactivated, but data replication might be started and some resource groups might be brought online. Run the geoadm status command to obtain the status of your system.

    If the Configuration status is set to Error, revalidate the protection group by using the procedures that are described in How to Validate a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group.

Example 2–12 Activating a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group Globally

This example activates a protection group globally.

# geopg start -e global avspg 

Example 2–13 Activating a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group Locally

This example activates a protection group on a local cluster only. This local cluster might be a primary cluster or a secondary cluster, depending on the role of the cluster.

# geopg start -e local avspg 

ProcedureHow to Deactivate a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

You can deactivate a protection group in the following ways:

The result of deactivating a protection group on primary or secondary cluster depends on the type of data replication you are using. If you are using Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software, data replication can be stopped only from the primary cluster. So, when you deactivate a protection group on the secondary cluster, this deactivate command does not stop data replication.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Deactivate the protection group.

    This command deactivates the protection group on all nodes of the local cluster.

    When you deactivate a protection group, its application resource groups are also unmanaged.

    # geopg stop -e scope [-D] protectiongroupname 
    -e scope

    Specifies the scope of the command.

    If the scope is local, then the command operates on the local cluster only. If the scope is global, the command operates on both clusters where the protection group is deployed.

    Note –

    The property values, such as global and local, are not case sensitive.


    Specifies that only data replication should be stopped and the protection group should be online.

    If you omit this option, the data replication subsystem and the protection group are both stopped. If the role of the protection group on the local cluster is primary, omitting the -d option also results in the following actions:

    • Removal of resource group affinities and resource dependencies between the application resource groups in the protection group and the internal resource group

    • Taking the application resource groups offline and putting them in an Unmanaged state


    Specifies the name of the protection group.

    If the role of the protection group is primary on the local cluster, the geopg stop command disables the autosynchronization of each device group and places the volume sets into logging mode.

    If the geopg stop command fails, run the geoadm status command to see the status of each component. For example, the Configuration status might be set to Error depending on the cause of the failure. The protection group might remain activated even though some resource groups might be unmanaged. The protection group might be deactivated with data replication running.

    If the Configuration status is set to Error, revalidate the protection group by using the procedures described in How to Validate a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group.

Example 2–14 Deactivating a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group on All Clusters

This example deactivates a protection group on all clusters.

# geopg stop -e global avspg

Example 2–15 Deactivating a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group on a Local Cluster

This example deactivates a protection group on the local cluster.

# geopg stop -e local avspg

Example 2–16 Stopping Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Data Replication While Leaving the Protection Group Online

This example stops only data replication on a local cluster.

# geopg stop -e local -D avspg

If the administrator decides later to deactivate both the protection group and its underlying data replication subsystem, the administrator can rerun the command without the -d option.

# geopg stop -e local avspg

Example 2–17 Deactivating a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group While Keeping Application Resource Groups Online

This example keeps online two application resource groups, apprg1 and apprg2, while deactivating their protection group, avspg.

  1. Remove the application resource groups from the protection group.

    # geopg remove-resource-group apprg1,apprg2 avspg
  2. Deactivate the protection group.

    # geopg stop -e global avspg

Resynchronizing a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

You can resynchronize the configuration information of the local protection group with the configuration information retrieved from the partner cluster. You need to resynchronize a protection group when its Synchronization status in the output of the geoadm status command is Error.

For example, you might need to resynchronize protection groups after booting the cluster. For more information, see Booting a Cluster in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

Resynchronizing a protection group updates only entities that are related to Sun Cluster Geographic Edition. For information about how to update Sun Cluster entities, see Replicating and Upgrading Configuration Data for Resource Groups, Resource Types, and Resources in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS.

ProcedureHow to Resynchronize a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

Before You Begin

The protection group must be deactivated on the cluster where you run the geopg update command.

  1. Log in to a cluster node.

    You must be assigned the Geo Management RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Resynchronize the protection group.

    # geopg update protectiongroupname

    Specifies the name of the protection group

Example 2–18 Resynchronizing a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Protection Group

This example resynchronizes a protection group.

# geopg update avspg

Checking the Runtime Status of Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Data Replication

You can obtain an overall view of the status of replication, as well as a more detailed runtime status of the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite software from the status of the replication resource groups. The following sections describe the procedures for checking each status.

Displaying a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Runtime Status Overview

The status of each Sun StorageTek Availability Suite data replication resource indicates the status of replication on a particular device group. The status of all the resources under a protection group are aggregated in the replication status.

To view the overall status of replication, look at the protection group state, as described in the following procedure.

ProcedureHow to Check the Overall Runtime Status of Replication

  1. Access a node of a cluster where the protection group is defined.

    You must be assigned the Basic Solaris User RBAC rights profile to complete this procedure. For more information about RBAC, see Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software and RBAC in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  2. Check the runtime status of replication.

    # geoadm status

    Refer to the Protection Group section of the output for replication information. The information that is displayed by this command includes the following:

    • Whether the local cluster is enabled for partnership participation

    • Whether the local cluster is involved in a partnership

    • Status of the heartbeat configuration

    • Status of the defined protection groups

    • Status of current transactions

  3. Check the runtime status of data replication for each Sun StorageTek Availability Suite protection group.

    # clresource status -v avsdg-rep-rs

    Refer to the Status and StatusMessage fields that are presented for the data replication device group you want to check. For more information about these fields, see Table 2–1.

Displaying a Detailed Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Runtime Status

One replication resource group exists for each protection group. The name of the replication resource group has the following format:


If you add a Sun StorageTek Availability Suite device group to a protection group, the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software creates a resource for each device group. This resource monitors the status of replication for its device group. The name of each resource has the following format:


You can monitor the state of the replication resource to give you the overall status of replication. Use the clresource status command as follows to obtain the State and Status Message values for the replication status of the device group:

# clresource status -v avsdg-rep-rs

The State is Online while the resource is online.

The following table describes the Status and Status Message values that are returned by the clresource status command when the State of the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite replication resource group is Online.

Table 2–1 Status and Status Messages of an Online Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Replication Resource Group


Status Message 


Replication service disabled 


Incorrect role 


Volume failed 


Bitmap failed 


Queue failed 


Need sync 


Need reverse sync 


Reverse synching 









For more details about these values, refer to the Sun StorageTek Availability Suite Remote Mirror Software Administration and Operations Guide.

For more information about the clresource command, see the clresource(1CL) man page.