Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Upgrade Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software

Perform this procedure on all nodes of the cluster. You can perform this procedure on more than one node at the same time.

Caution – Caution –

If the cluster is in a partnership, both partners must be upgraded to Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 2/08 software before the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 2/08 software can start.

  1. To use the uninstall program with a GUI, ensure that the display environment of the cluster node to uninstall is set to display the GUI.

    % xhost +
    % setenv DISPLAY nodename:0.0

    If the display environment is not set to display the GUI, the uninstall program instead runs in text-based mode.

  2. Become superuser on a node where you intend to uninstall Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

  3. Uninstall the current Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

    Version of Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software 

    Version of Solaris OS 

    Method of Uninstallation 

    3.1 8/05 

    8 or 9 

    The uninstall program that is provided with Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.1 8/05. For more information, see Chapter 4, Uninstalling the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software, in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide.


    The pkgrm command. For more information, see Limitations on Running Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software on Solaris OS 10 in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.1 8/05 Release Notes.

    3.1 2006Q4 

    The pkgrm command. For more information, see Uninstalling Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software on Solaris OS 8 in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide.

    9 or 10 

    The uninstall program. For more information, see Uninstalling Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software on Solaris OS 9 and 10 in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide.


    9 or 10 

    The uninstall program. For more information, see Uninstalling Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software on Solaris OS 9 and 10 in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Installation Guide.

  4. Ensure that all the nodes are online and part of the cluster.

    To view the current status of the cluster, run the following command from any node:

    % scstat

    See the scstat(1M) man page for more information.

    Search the /var/adm/messages log on the same node for unresolved error messages or warning messages.

  5. Upgrade to either Sun Cluster 3.2 or Sun Cluster 3.2 2/08 software.

    See Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS for more information.

  6. Install Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software as described in Chapter 2, Installing Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software.

  7. Install all the required patches as described in Installing Patches.

  8. Perform the preceding steps on all nodes of the cluster.

    Note –

    All clusters in a partnership must run either Sun Cluster 3.2 or Sun Cluster 3.2 2/08 software. If a cluster is already running on Sun Cluster 3.2 software, you are not required to upgrade it to Sun Cluster 3.2 2/08 software to upgrade that cluster to Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.2 2/08 software.

  9. On one node of each partner cluster that you upgraded, enable Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software.

    # geoadm start
  10. Update the public keys on all nodes on both partner clusters.

    1. On each node in the local cluster, remove the public keys.

      localnode# geops remove-trust -c remotecluster
    2. On each node in the remote cluster, remove the public keys.

      remotenode# geops remove-trust -c localcluster
    3. On one node of the local cluster, import the public keys from the remote cluster.

      localnode# geops add-trust -c remotecluster
    4. On one node of the remote cluster, import the public keys from the local cluster.

      remotenode# geops add-trust -c localcluster
    5. On each node of each cluster, verify trust.

      # geops verify-trust -c partnercluster

    For a complete example of how to configure and join a partnership, see How to Join a Partnership in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

  11. If you upgraded from Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.1 8/05 software, remove the ICRM plug-in from all the heartbeats on both partner clusters.

    In the following commands, the cluster names cluster-paris and cluster-newyork and the heartbeat identifiers hb_paris~newyork and hb_newyork~paris are used to provide clarity.

    phys-paris-1# geohb remove-plugin pluginname hb_cluster-paris~cluster-newyork
    phys-paris-1# geohb remove-plugin pluginname hb_cluster-newyork~cluster-paris
    phys-newyork-1# geohb remove-plugin pluginname hb_cluster-paris~cluster-newyork
    phys-newyork-1# geohb remove-plugin pluginname hb_cluster-newyork~cluster-paris
  12. From one node in one of the partner clusters, add back to the protection group all application resource groups that you removed while you were preparing the cluster for upgrade.

    # geopg add-resource-group resourcegroup protectiongroup

    See the geopg(1M) man page for more information.

  13. Start all the protection groups that you added.

    # geopg start protectiongroup -e local [-n]

    See the geopg(1M) man page for more information.

Next Steps

Go to How to Verify Upgrade of Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Software.