Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for EMC Symmetrix Remote Data Facility

ProcedureHow to Set Up Raw-Disk Device Groups for Sun Cluster Geographic Edition Systems

Sun Cluster Geographic Edition supports the use of raw-disk device groups in addition to various volume managers. When you initially configure Sun Cluster, device groups are automatically configured for each raw device in the cluster. Use this procedure to reconfigure these automatically created device groups for use with Sun Cluster Geographic Edition.

  1. For the devices that you want to use, unconfigure the predefined device groups.

    The following commands remove the predefined device groups for d7 and d8.

    phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup disable dsk/d7 dsk/d8
    phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup offline dsk/d7 dsk/d8
    phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup delete dsk/d7 dsk/d8
  2. Create the new raw-disk device group, including the desired devices.

    Ensure that the new DID does not contain any slashes. The following command creates a global device group, rawdg, which contains d7 and d8.

    phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup create -n phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2 \
    -t rawdisk -d d7,d8 rawdg

Example 1–1 Configuring a Raw-Disk Device Group

This example illustrates configuring the device group on the primary cluster, configuring the same device group on the partner cluster, and adding the group to an EMC Symmetrix protection group.

Remove the automatically created device groups from the primary cluster.
phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup disable dsk/d7 dsk/d8 
phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup offline dsk/d7 dsk/d8
phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup delete dsk/d7 dsk/d8

Create the raw-disk device group on the primary cluster.
phys-paris-1# cldevicegroup create -n phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2 \ 
-t rawdisk -d d7,d8 rawdg

Remove the automatically created device groups from the partner cluster.
phys-newyork-1# cldevicegroup disable dsk/d5 dsk/d6
phys-newyork-1# cldevicegroup offline dsk/d5 dsk/d6
phys-newyork-1# cldevicegroup delete dsk/d5 dsk/d6

Create the raw-disk device group on the partner cluster.
phys-newyork-1# cldevicegroup create -n phys-newyork-1,phys-newyork-2 \
-t rawdisk  -d d5,d6 rawdg

Add the raw-disk device group to the protection group rawpg.
phys-paris-1# geopg create -d srdf -p Nodelist=phys-paris1,phys-paris-2 \
-o Primary -p cluster_dgs=rawdg -s paris-newyork-ps rawpg

Next Steps

When configuring the partner cluster, create a raw-disk device group of the same name as the one you created here. See How to Replicate the Configuration Information From the Primary Cluster, When Using Raw-Disk Device Groups for the instructions about this task.

After you have configured the device group on both clusters, you can use the device group name wherever one is required in Sun Cluster Geographic Edition commands such as geopg.