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Valarray helpers


A numeric array class used to represent a BLAS-like slice from a valarray.

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include <valarray>
template <class T>
class gslice_array ;


gslice_array<T> creates a gslice view into a valarray. gslice_arrays are only produced by applying the gslice subscript operator to a valarray. The elements in a gslice_array are references to selected elements in the valarray (so changing an element in the gslice_array really changes the corresponding element in the valarray). A gslice_array does not itself hold any distinct elements. The template cannot be instantiated directly since all its constructors are private. However, you can copy a gslice_array to a valarray using either the valarray copy constructor or the assignment operator. Reference semantics are lost at that point.


template <class T> class gslice_array {

  // types
  typedef T value_type;

  // destructor

  // public assignment
  void operator= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  // computed assignment
  void operator*= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator/= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator%= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator+= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator-= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator^= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator&= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator|= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator<<= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  void operator>>= (const valarray<T>& array) const;
  // fill function
  void operator=(const T&);  

  // constructors
  gslice_array(const gslice_array<T>&);
  // operator =
  gslice_array<T>& operator= (const gslice_array<T>& array);


gslice_array(const gslice_array&);

Assignment Operators

void operator=(const valarray<T>& x) const;
operator=(const gslice-_array<T>& x);

Computed Assignment Operators

void operator*=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator/=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator%=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator+=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator-=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator^=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator&=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator|=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator<<=(const valarray<T>& val) const;
void operator>>=(const valarray<T>& val) const;

Member Functions

void operator=(const T& x) const;


Program Output


If your compiler does not support namespaces, then you do not need the using declaration for std.

See Also

valarray, slice_array, slice, gslice, mask_array, indirect_array

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©Copyright 1998, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
Send mail to report errors or comment on the documentation.
OEM Release, June 1998