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Places a new element into a heap.

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(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <algorithm>
template <class RandomAccessIterator>
  push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first,
            RandomAccessIterator last);

template <class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
  push_heap(RandomAccessIterator first,
            RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp);


A heap is a particular organization of elements in a range between two random access iterators [a, b). Its two key properties are:

  1. *a is the largest element in the range.

  2. *a may be removed by the pop_heap algorithm, or a new element may be added by the push_heap algorithm, in O(logN) time.

These properties make heaps useful as priority queues.

The push_heap algorithms uses the less than (<) operator as the default comparison. As with all of the heap manipulation algorithms, an alternate comparison function can be specified.

The push_heap algorithm is used to add a new element to the heap. First, a new element for the heap is added to the end of a range. (For example, you can use the vector or deque member function push_back()to add the element to the end of either of those containers.) The push_heap algorithm assumes that the range [first, last - 1) is a valid heap. Then it properly positions the element in the location last - 1 into its proper position in the heap, resulting in a heap over the range [first, last).

Note that the push_heap algorithm does not place an element into the heap's underlying container. You must user another function to add the element to the end of the container before applying push_heap.


For push_heap at most log(last - first) comparisons are performed.


Program Output


If your compiler does not support default template parameters, you always need to supply the Allocator template argument. For instance, you need to write:

vector<int, allocator<int> >

instead of:


If your compiler does not support namespaces, then you do not need the using declaration for std.

See Also

make_heap, pop_heap, sort_heap

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©Copyright 1998, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
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OEM Release, June 1998