Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Deployment Planning Guide

Why Use an LDAP-Based Naming Service?

A naming service stores information in a central place, which enables users, machines, and applications to communicate across the network. This information can include, for example, machine (host) names and addresses, user names, passwords, access permissions, group membership, and printers. Without a central naming service, each machine would have to maintain its own copy of this information. Naming service information can be stored in files, maps, or database tables. If you centralize all data, administration becomes easier.

The Solaris OS supports the following naming services:

However, Sun's strategic direction is to move to LDAP-based naming services.

The LDAP naming service has the following advantages over other naming services:

The LDAP naming service has the following restrictions:

The Solaris OS supports LDAP naming in conjunction with Sun Directory Server, as well as other LDAP directory servers. Although using Sun Directory Server is recommended, it is not required.