Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Deploy WAR File With Tomcat

The following example shows how to install DSCC in Tomcat on a Solaris 10 system.

  1. Create the WAR file for DSCC.

    $ install-path/bin/dsccsetup war-file-create

    For native packages installation, the WAR file is created in the /var/opt/SUNWdsee7/ directory.

    For zip distribution installation, the WAR file is created in the install-path/var directory.

  2. Initialize the DSCC registry.

    $ install-path/bin/dsccsetup ads-create
    Choose password for Directory Service Manager:
    Confirm password for Directory Service Manager:
    Creating DSCC registry...
    DSCC Registry has been created successfully
  3. To create server instances on the same host where DSCC is deployed, register the DSCC agent in Common Agent Container.

    $install-path/bin/dsccsetup cacao-reg

    Type the following command to check the location and other statistics of your war file and DSCC registry:

    $ install-path/bin/dsccsetup status
  4. Install Tomcat and create an instance.

  5. Identify your Tomcat installation and instance.

    $ export CATALINA_HOME=tomcat-install-path
    $ export CATALINA_BASE=tomcat-instance-path
    $ export JAVA_HOME=jdk-home-dir

    For installing Tomcat and creating instances, refer to the Tomcat documentation.

  6. Enable replication topology rendering.

    export CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true"
  7. Deploy the WAR file.

    $ mkdir ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/dscc7
    $ unzip -d ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/dscc7 install-path/var/dscc7.war

    Note –

    You must disable the tag pooling on your Tomcat server instance by setting the enablePooling parameter value to false in ${CATALINA_BASE}/conf/web.xml. Add the following code in the web.xml file:


    Verify the permissions of for Solaris operating system (tomcat5.exe or tomcat6.exe on Windows) and type the following command:

    $ ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/
  8. Use http://hostname:8080/dscc7 to connect to DSCC.

    The Directory Service Manager Login page displays.