Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Upgrade and Migration Guide

Password Policy

Directory Server7.0 implements a password policy that uses the standard object class and attributes described in the “Password Policy for LDAP Directories” Internet-Draft.

The password policy provides the following new features:

In addition, the password policy provides the following controls:

These controls enable LDAP clients to obtain account status information.

The LDAP_CONTROL_PWP control provides account status information on LDAP bind, search, modify, add, delete, modDN, and compare operations.

The following information is available, using the OID in the search:

The LDAP_CONTROL_PWP control indicates warning and error conditions. The control value is a BER octet string, with the format {tii}, which has the following meaning:

pwp_resp_no_error (-1)
pwp_resp_expired_error (0)
pwp_resp_locked_error (1)
pwp_resp_need_change_error (2)
pwp_resp_mod_not_allowed_error (3)
pwp_resp_give_old_error (4)
pwp_resp_bad_qa_error (5)
pwp_resp_too_short_error (6)
pwp_resp_too_young_error (7)
pwp_resp_in_hist_error (8)

The LDAP_CONTROL_ACCOUNT_USABLE control provides account status information on LDAP search operations only.

To know about password policy compatibility issues, refer to Password Policy Compatibility in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide