Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

Analyzing Indexes

Analyzing indexes requires gathering search filter usage patterns from user requests, especially for values as specified in the filters and subsequently looking the status of those values into the index files. When a search requests is processed, internal or user generated, a first phase uses indexes to find potential entries to be returned. Depending on the search filter, if the index of one of the specified attributes matches too many entries (ALLIDs), the search becomes non-indexed (notes=U in the access log). In any case, all entries thus gathered (or the entire DIT) are matched against the filter for actually returning the search result.

Note –

Directory Server tries to optimize the search so that not all index values matching ALLID will force the search to be not indexed.

ProcedureTo Analyze Index Filters

The dsconf analyze-index-filters command when enabled, displays the Directory Server search filters with their statistics.

  1. Enable index filter analyzer using the following command:

    $ dsconf enable-index-filter-analyzer [--max-entries INT] SUFFIX_DN

    For example, to enable index filter analyzer on, run the following command:

    $ dsconf enable-index-filter-analyzer -p port-number
    $ dsconf get-suffix-prop -p port-number \
    index-filter-analyzer-enabled index-filter-analyzer-max-entries
    index-filter-analyzer-enabled      :  on
    index-filter-analyzer-max-entries  :  2000
  2. Analyze index filters to know the indexes that need to be reindexed.

    $ dsconf analyze-index-filters -p port-number SUFFIX_DN

    The output displays all the attributes that need to be reindexed, index filter usage statistics, number of hits, and number of allids hits. Based on the output, you can configure indexes differently by modifying the all-ids-threshold property or by creating indexes, to improve performance.

    $ dsconf analyze-index-filters -p port-number
    Observations started at Nov 13, 2008 12:01:29 PM
    Total number of search requests :   8
    Total number of Allids :            7
    filter                Type  #allids/#hits  Threshold  Max matching  Additional info
    -------------------   ----  -------------  ---------  ------------  ---------------
    (departmentNumber       eq            1/1                        2  "departmentNumber"
     =9415)                                                             is not indexed
    (objectClass            eq            1/1      *4000         10000  To investigate
    (objectClass=*)       pres            1/1                    10006  "pres" type is 
                                                                        disabled for 
                                                                        system index
    (roomNumber=*)        pres            1/1                    10000  "roomNumber" is
                                                                        not indexed
    (roomNumber=1*)         eq            1/1                     4071  "roomNumber" is
                                                                        not indexed
    (telephoneNumber=*)   pres            2/2      *4000         10000  To investigate
    (telephoneNumber=1*)    eq            0/1       4000         10000
    ## * indicates thresholds which have been crossed.
    No attributes need to be reindexed
    Use "dsconf set-index-prop ATTR_NAME..." to set the allids threshold 
    value and to take benefit of indexes.

    The displayed filters are the basic filter elements along with the following information:

    • Type that is used during processing.

    • How many times the filter element is used and how many times the index value is Allids.

      Note –

      Allids can occur because of unsufficient privileges or if the index type configuration is changed. In the latter case, data may be skewed.

      Complex filters are broken down to these basic elements and will not appear in their entirety.

    The example output displays the following information:

    • Some index values are Allids

    • Some attributes are not indexed, that is, roomNumber, departmentNumber.

    • Total 4071 entries matched the roomNumber=1* filter

    • Some indexes are well configured for some filter use, that is, telephoneNumber=1*.

  3. Create the new index for the attribute roomNumber.

    $ dsconf create-index -p port-number roomNumber
  4. Run the analyze-index-filters command again to check the status.

    $ dsconf analyze-index-filters -p port-number
    Observations started at Nov 13, 2008 12:01:29 PM
    Total number of search requests :   9
    Total number of Allids :            8
    filter                Type  #allids/#hits  Threshold  Max matching  Additional info
    --------------------  ----  -------------  ---------  ------------  -----------------
    (departmentNumber       eq            1/1                        2  "departmentNumber" 
     =9415)                                                             is not indexed
    (objectClass            eq            1/1      *4000         10000  To investigate
    (objectClass=*)       pres            1/1                    10006  "pres" type is 
                                                                        disabled for 
                                                                        system index
    (roomNumber=*)        pres            1/1      *4000         10000  To investigate
    (roomNumber=1*)         eq            1/1      *4000          4071  To investigate
    (telephoneNumber=*)   pres            2/2      *4000         10000  To investigate
    (telephoneNumber=1*)    eq            0/1       4000         10000
    ## * indicates thresholds which have been crossed.
    Attributes to reindex :  roomNumber
    Use "dsconf reindex --attr ATTR_NAME..." to reindex.
    Use "dsconf set-index-prop ATTR_NAME..." to set the allids 
    threshold value and to take benefit of indexes.

    As required, follow the appropriate procedure as displayed at the end of the output.

  5. Restart the index filter analyzer to consider the latest index updates.

    To restart the index filter analyzer, disable the analyzer using the disable-index-filter-analyzer subcommand and then start the analyzer again using the enable-index-filter-analyzer subcommand.

    Note –

    Monitoring affects performance. It also requires heavy memory resources, based on the configured maximum number of filters to monitor.

    Run the dsconf info command to know when the analyzer was enabled. If you do not want to monitor indexes and analyze-index-filters, it is not recommended to keep the analyzer running.

    Directory Server tries to optimize the search so that when complex filters are evaluated, not all elements could be processed. Do not expect a one-to-one relation with what appears in the access log, and a complex filter and its constituent elements.

See Also

For more information, see dsconf(1M).

ProcedureTo Analyze Attribute Indexes

Using the dsconf analyze-index-filters command, gather the most used filters and their behavior. On the other hand, to know the data as appears in the index files, use dsadm analyze-indexes to have a snapshot of index files.

  1. Your server must be stopped before analyzing the attribute indexes.

    $ dsadm stop INSTANCE_PATH
  2. Analyze attribute indexes using the following command:

    $ dsadm analyze-indexes [-bRi] [-o FILE] INSTANCE_PATH SUFFIX_DN

    For example, to analyze the attribute indexes of suffix, run the following command:

    $ dsadm analyze-indexes /local/myinst
    This operation may take a long time and generate important amounts of data
    Do you want to continue [y/n]? y
    Generating raw index data, please wait...
    Raw index data available in file '/local/myinst/logs/db_stat_example%2ecom'
    Index            Type       Total Keys  ALLIDs  95%  90%  80%
    ---------------  ---------  ----------  ------  ---  ---  ---
    aci              PRESENCE            1       0    0    0    0
    ancestorid       EQUALITY            6       6    0    0    0
    cn               EQUALITY       200000       0    0    0    0
    cn               SUBSTRING       14828      15    0    0    0
    entrydn          EQUALITY       100006       0    0    0    0
    givenName        EQUALITY         8605       0    0    0    0
    givenName        SUBSTRING        4762       4    0    0    0
    givenName        PRESENCE            1       1    0    0    0
    mail             EQUALITY       100000       0    0    0    0
    mail             SUBSTRING       14975      26    1    3    2
    mail             PRESENCE            1       1    0    0    0
    nsuniqueid       EQUALITY       100007       0    0    0    0
    numsubordinates  PRESENCE            1       0    0    0    0
    objectclass      EQUALITY            7       4    0    0    0
    parentid         EQUALITY            6       5    0    0    0
    sn               EQUALITY       100000       0    0    0    0
    sn               SUBSTRING       12993       0    0    0    0
    telephoneNumber  EQUALITY        99924       0    0    0    0
    telephoneNumber  SUBSTRING        1106      24    0    0    0
    telephoneNumber  PRESENCE            1       1    0    0    0
    uid              EQUALITY       200000       0    0    0    0
    uid              PRESENCE            1       1    0    0    0
    aci PRESENCE
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 1
    ancestorid EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 6 / 6
         [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 200000
    ALLIDs keys : 15 / 14828
         [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [^us]
         [er1] [r10] [ser] [use]
    entrydn EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 100006
    givenName EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 8605
    givenName SUBSTRING
    ALLIDs keys : 4 / 4762
         [^ma] [ie$] [na$] [ne$]
    givenName PRESENCE
    ALLIDs keys : 1 / 1
    mail EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 100000
    mail SUBSTRING
    ALLIDs keys : 26 / 14975
         [.co] [0@e] [1@e] [2@e] [3@e] [4@e] [5@e] [6@e] [7@e] [8@e] [9@e]
         [@ex] [^ma] [amp] [com] [ell] [exa]  [e.c] [ie_] [le.] [mar] [mpl] 
         [na_] [ne_] [om$] [ple] [xam]
    mail PRESENCE
    ALLIDs keys : 1 / 1
    nsuniqueid EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 100007
    numsubordinates PRESENCE
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 1
    objectclass EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 4 / 7
         [inetorgperson] [organizationalperson] [person] [top]
    parentid EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 5 / 6
         [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 100000
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 12993
    telephoneNumber EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 99924
    telephoneNumber SUBSTRING
    ALLIDs keys : 24 / 1106
         [120] [121] [130] [140] [141] [151] [171] [180] [181] [206] [213]
         [303] [408] [415] [510] [714] [804] [818] [^12] [^13] [^14] [^15]
         [^17] [^18]
    telephoneNumber PRESENCE
    ALLIDs keys : 1 / 1
    uid EQUALITY
    ALLIDs keys : 0 / 200000
    uid PRESENCE
    ALLIDs keys : 1 / 1

    Following what explained in Chapter 9, Directory Server Indexing, in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Reference, dsadm analyze-indexes displays the status of the value keys as used by Directory Server. If most of the keys are Allid or 95% of Allid, the number of entries matching the key is at least equal to all-ids-threshold. The index most likely has to be configured with a higher value for all-ids-threshold.

    Note –

    Too high an all-ids-threshold value can impact performance.

    The dsadm analyze-indexes displays which keys are ALLID or close to be, so it can be matched with the output of dsconf analyze-index-filters. If a search specifies a filter whose value is an allid key, the search might not be indexed, depending on the entire search filter as mentioned above.