Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

Creating LDAP Data Views

Creating an LDAP data view includes the following steps:

  1. To Create an LDAP Data Source.

  2. To Create an LDAP Data Source Pool.

  3. To Attach an LDAP Data Source to a Data Source Pool.

  4. To Create an LDAP Data View.

Creating and Configuring LDAP Data Sources

This section describes how to use the dpconf command to create and configure LDAP data sources. For reference information about these topics, see LDAP Data Sources in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Reference.

For information about how to create and configure LDAP data sources, see the following procedures.

ProcedureTo Create an LDAP Data Source

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Create the data source.

    $ dpconf create-ldap-data-source -h host -p port [-s] source-name host:port

    In this command, source-name is a name that you assign to the new data source. host and port refer to the host and port on which the LDAP server is running. Note that the data source does not use SSL by default. Use -s to enable to specify a secure port.

    If the host is specified by an IP V6 address, you need to use the IP V6 reference when you create the data source. For example, if Directory Proxy Server will bind to a host with the IP V6 address fe80::209:3dff:fe00:8c93 on port 2389, use the following command to create the data source:

    $ dpconf create-ldap-data-source -h host1 -p 1389 ipv6-host \

    If you use the console to create the data source, you must specify the actual IP V6 address (without the square brackets).

    For information about how to modify the properties of an LDAP data source, see To Configure an LDAP Data Source.

  2. (Optional) View the list of data sources.

    $ dpconf list-ldap-data-sources -h host -p port

ProcedureTo Configure an LDAP Data Source

The following procedure shows how to display the properties of an LDAP data source and how to set the properties that you require to change. The procedure shows the commands using which any of the properties of the LDAP data source can be changed. It also shows how to get the detailed information of a property, which helps you to set that property.

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. View the properties of the data source by using this command syntax:

    $ dpconf get-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    [-M unit] [-Z unit] source-name [property...]

    In this command, -M and -Z refer to the units in which you want data to be displayed. The M option specifies the unit of time. The value for -M can be M, w, d, h, m, s, or ms, to represent months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds. The -Z option specifies the data size unit. The value for -Z can be T, G, M, k, or b, to represent Terabytes, Gigabytes, Megabytes, kilobytes, or bytes.

    If you do not specify a property, all properties are displayed. The default properties of an LDAP data source are as follows:

    bind-dn                         :  -
    bind-pwd                        :  -
    client-cred-mode                :  use-client-identity
    connect-timeout                 :  10s
    description                     :  -
    down-monitoring-interval        :  inherited
    is-enabled                      :  false
    is-read-only                    :  true
    ldap-address                    :  host
    ldap-port                       :  port
    ldaps-port                      :  ldaps
    monitoring-bind-timeout         :  5s
    monitoring-entry-dn             :  ""
    monitoring-entry-timeout        :  5s
    monitoring-inactivity-timeout   :  2m
    monitoring-interval             :  30s
    monitoring-mode                 :  reactive
    monitoring-retry-count          :  3
    monitoring-search-filter        :  (|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapSubEntry))
    num-bind-incr                   :  10
    num-bind-init                   :  10
    num-bind-limit                  :  1024
    num-read-incr                   :  10
    num-read-init                   :  10
    num-read-limit                  :  1024
    num-write-incr                  :  10
    num-write-init                  :  10
    num-write-limit                 :  1024
    proxied-auth-check-timeout      :  1.8s
    proxied-auth-use-v1             :  false
    ssl-policy                      :  never
    use-read-connections-for-writes :  false
    use-tcp-keep-alive              :  true
    use-tcp-no-delay                :  true
  2. Enable the data source.

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port source-name is-enabled:true
  3. Configure all the properties that are listed in Step 1, if you want to change the default settings.

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port source-name property:value

    For example, if you want to modify entries on a data source, configure the data source to allow write operations.

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port source-name is-read-only:false

    To use a read connection to process write operation when all the write connections are busy, run the following command. The vice-versa is also true.

    dpconf set-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port source-name \

    To find information about a property used in a subcommand, run this command:

    $ dpconf help-properties ldap-data-source property

    For example, to find information about the is-read-only property, run this command:

    dpconf help-properties ldap-data-source is-read-only

    To list the key properties for data sources, use the verbose option -v with the list-ldap-data-sources subcommand.

    $ dpconf list-ldap-data-sources -v
    Name         is-enabled  ldap-address  ldap-port  ldaps-port  description
    -----------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------  -----------
    datasource0  true        myHost        myPort     ldaps       -
    datasource1  true        myHost        myPort     ldaps       -
  4. If necessary, restart the instance of Directory Proxy Server for the changes to take effect.

    For information about restarting Directory Proxy Server, see To Restart Directory Proxy Server. For a list of configuration changes that require a server restart, see Configuration Changes Requiring Server Restart.

Creating and Configuring LDAP Data Source Pools

This section describes how to use the dpconf command to create and configure LDAP data source pools. For reference information about these topics, see LDAP Data Sources in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Reference.

For information about how to create and configure data source pools, see the following procedures:

ProcedureTo Create an LDAP Data Source Pool

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Create one or more data source pools.

    $ dpconf create-ldap-data-source-pool -h host -p port pool-name

    Additional data source pools can be specified after the first pool-name. For information about how to modify the properties of a data source pool, see To Configure an LDAP Data Source Pool.

  2. (Optional) View the list of data source pools.

    $ dpconf list-ldap-data-source-pools -h host -p port

ProcedureTo Configure an LDAP Data Source Pool

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. View the properties of the data source pool by using this command syntax:

    $ dpconf get-ldap-data-source-pool-prop -h host -p port \
    [-M unit] [-Z unit] pool-name [property...]

    In this command, -M and -Z refer to the units in which you want data to be displayed. The M option specifies the unit of time. The value for -M can be M, w, d, h, m, s, or ms, to represent months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds. The -Z option specifies the data size unit. The value for -Z can be T, G, M, k, or b, to represent Terabytes, Gigabytes, Megabytes, kilobytes, or bytes.

    If you do not specify a property, all properties are displayed. The default properties of an LDAP data source pool are as follows:

    client-affinity-bind-dn-filters     :  any
    client-affinity-criteria            :  connection
    client-affinity-ip-address-filters  :  any
    client-affinity-policy              :  write-affinity-after-write
    client-affinity-timeout             :  20s
    description                         :  -
    enable-client-affinity              :  false
    load-balancing-algorithm            :  proportional
  2. Configure the properties that are listed in Step 1.

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-source-pool-prop -h host -p port pool-name \

    For information about how to configure the properties of a data source pool for load balancing and client affinity, see Chapter 20, Directory Proxy Server Load Balancing and Client Affinity.

Attaching LDAP Data Sources to a Data Source Pool

A data source that is attached to a data source pool is called an attached data source. The properties of an attached data source determine the load balancing configuration of the data source pool. When you configure the weights of an attached data source, consider the weights of all of the attached data sources in a data source pool. Ensure that the weights work together as required. For information about how to configure weights for load balancing, see To Configure Weights for Load Balancing.

ProcedureTo Attach an LDAP Data Source to a Data Source Pool

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Attach one or more data sources to a data source pool.

    $ dpconf attach-ldap-data-source -h host -p port pool-name \
     source-name [source-name ...]
  2. (Optional) View the list of attached data sources for a given data source pool.

    $ dpconf list-attached-ldap-data-sources -h host -p port -E pool-name

    In this command, -E is optional, and modifies the display output to show one property value per line.

  3. (Optional) View the key properties of the attached data sources for a given data source pool.

    $ dpconf list-attached-ldap-data-sources -h host -p port -v pool-name

    In this command, -v specifies verbose output. For example, view the properties of an example data source pool.

    $ dpconf list-attached-ldap-data-sources -h host1 -p 1389 -v My-pool
    SRC_NAME     add-weight  bind-weight  compare-weight  
    -----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  
    datasource0  disabled    disabled     disabled        
    datasource1  disabled    disabled     disabled        
    delete-weight  modify-dn-weight  modify-weight  search-weight
    -------------  ----------------  -------------  -------------
    disabled       disabled          disabled       disabled
    disabled       disabled          disabled       disabled
  4. (Optional) View the properties of an attached data source by using the following command syntax:

    $ dpconf get-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port [-M unit] [-Z unit] \
     pool-name source-name [property...]

    In this command, -M and -Z refer to the units in which you want data to be displayed. The M option specifies the unit of time. The value for -M can be M, w, d, h, m, s, or ms, to represent months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds. The -Z option specifies the data size unit. The value for -Z can be T, G, M, k, or b, to represent Terabytes, Gigabytes, Megabytes, kilobytes, or bytes.

    If you do not specify a property, all properties are displayed.

    The properties of an attached data source define the weight for each type of operation in load balancing. The default weights of an attached data source are as follows:

    add-weight        :  disabled  
    bind-weight       :  disabled  
    compare-weight    :  disabled  
    delete-weight     :  disabled  
    modify-dn-weight  :  disabled  
    modify-weight     :  disabled  
    search-weight     :  disabled 
  5. The default weights of an attached data source are 0 and disabled. You must set the weights of an attached data source for Directory Proxy Server to work as intended.

    In the following example, all the properties are set to one. You can change the values of these properties as per your requirements. For information about how to configure weights of an attached data source for load balancing, see To Configure Weights for Load Balancing.

    $ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    pool-name source-name add-weight:1
    $ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    pool-name source-name bind-weight:1
    $ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    pool-name source-name compare-weight:1
    $ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    pool-name source-name delete-weight:1
    $ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    pool-name source-name modify-dn-weight:1
    $ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    pool-name source-name modify-weight:1
    $ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop -h host -p port \
    pool-name source-name search-weight:1

Working with LDAP Data Views

For information about how to create and configure LDAP data views, see the following procedures:

ProcedureTo Create an LDAP Data View

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. Create an LDAP data view.

    $ dpconf create-ldap-data-view -h host -p port view-name pool-name suffix-DN

    For information about how to modify the properties of an LDAP data view, see To Configure an LDAP Data View.

  2. View the list of LDAP data views.

    $ dpconf list-ldap-data-views -h host -p port

ProcedureTo Configure an LDAP Data View

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

  1. View the properties of an LDAP data view.

    $ dpconf get-ldap-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name

    If you create a data view without configuring any of the properties, your data view has the following configuration:

    alternate-search-base-dn                    :  ""
    attr-name-mappings                          :  none
    base-dn                                     :  suffix-DN
    contains-shared-entries                     :  false
    custom-distribution-algorithm-class         :  none
    description                                 :  -
    distribution-algorithm                      :  none
    dn-join-rule                                :  none
    dn-mapping-attrs                            :  none
    dn-mapping-source-base-dn                   :  none
    excluded-subtrees                           :  -
    filter-join-rule                            :  none
    is-enabled                                  :  true
    is-read-only                                :  false
    is-routable                                 :  true
    ldap-data-source-pool                       :  pool-name
    lexicographic-attrs                         :  all
    lexicographic-lower-bound                   :  none
    lexicographic-upper-bound                   :  none
    non-viewable-attr                           :  none
    non-writable-attr                           :  none
    numeric-attrs                               :  all
    numeric-default-data-view                   :  false
    numeric-lower-bound                         :  none
    numeric-upper-bound                         :  none
    pattern-matching-base-object-search-filter  :  all
    pattern-matching-base-dn-regular-expression :  all
    pattern-matching-dn-regular-expression      :  all
    pattern-matching-one-level-search-filter    :  all
    pattern-matching-subtree-search-filter      :  all
    process-bind                                :  -
    replication-role                            :  master
    viewable-attr                               :  all except non-viewable-attr
    writable-attr                               :  all except non-writable-attr

    Note –

    All users except the Proxy Manager see the cn=config and cn=monitor suffixes from the back-end server. By default, data from the back-end servers is not available to the Proxy Manager. The cn=config and cn=monitor subtrees that are available to the Proxy Manager are those of the proxy itself.

    When you create a Directory Proxy Server instance, a connection handler for the Proxy Manager is created with an empty data view policy. If the Proxy Manager requires access to back-end data, you must add a data view to the data view policy of the Proxy Manager connection handler. On such a data view, the cn=config and cn=monitor subtrees are excluded by default.

  2. Change one or more of the properties that are listed in Step 1.

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name \
     property:value [property:value ... ]

    For example, to access the dc=example,dc=com subtree on a data source, specify dn-mapping-source-base-dn in the data view.

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop -h host1 -p 1389 myDataView \

    To add a value to a multi-valued property, use this command:

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name property+:value

    To remove a value from a multi-valued property, use this command:

    $ dpconf set-ldap-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name property-:value
  3. If necessary, restart the instance of Directory Proxy Server for the changes to take effect.

    For information about restarting Directory Proxy Server, see To Restart Directory Proxy Server.