Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Display the Configuration of Directory Proxy Server Instance

  1. Type dpconf info

    $ dpconf info -p port
    Instance Path           :  instance path
    Host Name               :  host
    Secure listen address   :  IP address
    Port                    :  port
    Secure port             :  secure port
    SSL server certificate  :  defaultServerCert
    Directory Proxy Server needs to be restarted.

    dpconf info displays Secure listen address and Non-secure listen address only if these properties are set to non-default values. The above output does not display Non-secure listen address, as this property is not set to a non-default value.

    dpconf info also reminds the user to restart the instance if it needs to be restarted.

    You can also use dpadm info INSTANCE_PATH to display Directory Proxy Server instance configuration information.