Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

Substituting [$dn] in the Subject

The substitution mechanism for [$dn] is slightly different than for ($dn). The DN of the targeted resource is examined several times, each time dropping the left-most RDN component, until a match is found.

For example, suppose that you have an LDAP request targeted at the cn=all,ou=groups, dc=subdomain1,dc=hostedCompany1,dc=example,dc=com subtree, and the following ACI:

aci: (targetattr="*")
 (version 3.0; acl "Domain access"; allow (read,search)

    The server proceeds as follows to expand this ACI:

  1. The server verifies that the ($dn) in target matches dc=subdomain1,dc=hostedCompany1.

  2. The server replaces [$dn] in the subject with dc=subdomain1,dc=hostedCompany1.

    The resulting subject is groupdn="ldap:///cn=DomainAdmins,ou=Groups, dc=subdomain1,dc=hostedCompany1,dc=example,dc=com". If access is granted because the bind DN is a member of that group, the macro expansion stops, and the ACI is evaluated. If the bind DN is not a member, the process continues.

  3. The server replaces [$dn] in the subject with dc=hostedCompany1.

    The resulting subject is groupdn="ldap:///cn=DomainAdmins,ou=Groups, dc=hostedCompany1,dc=example,dc=com". Again, the bind DN is tested as a member of this group and if it is, the ACI is evaluated fully. If the bind DN is not a member, macro expansion stops with the last RDN of the matched value, and ACI evaluation is finished for this ACI.

The advantage of the [$dn] macro is that it provides a flexible way to grant domain-level administrators access to all the subdomains in the directory tree. Therefore, the [$dn] macro is useful for expressing a hierarchical relationship between domains.

For example, consider the following ACI:

aci: (target="ldap:///ou=*,($dn),dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr="*")
(version 3.0; acl "Domain access"; allow (read,search) groupdn= 

The ACI grants access to the members of cn=DomainAdmins,ou=Groups, dc=hostedCompany1,dc=example,dc=com to all of the subdomains under dc=hostedCompany1. Thus, an administrator who belongs to that group could access, for example, the subtree ou=people,dc=subdomain1.1,dc=subdomain1.

However, at the same time, members of cn=DomainAdmins,ou=Groups, dc=subdomain1.1 would be denied access to the ou=people,dc=subdomain1, dc=hostedCompany1 and ou=people,dc=hostedCompany1 nodes.