Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Replication Agreement

You can use DSCC to perform this task. For information, see Directory Service Control Center Interface and the DSCC online help.

If you use DSCC to create a new replication agreement, you can choose to copy some or all replication agreement configuration settings from an existing replication agreement.

  1. From your master server, create a replication agreement for each consumer that you want to replicate to.

    $ dsconf create-repl-agmt -h host -p port suffix-DN consumer-host:consumer-port\

    For example:

    $ dsconf create-repl-agmt -h host1 -p 1389 dc=example,dc=com host2:1389

    To list existing replication agreements by using the command line, use the dsconf list-repl-agmts command.

    Note –

    If you change the port number on a master when replication is running, you do not need to reinitialize the servers. However, the old replication agreement that pointed to the old address (host:old-port) is no longer useful. If you want replication to continue as it did before the port number was changed, you must create a new agreement with the new address (host:new-port).

  2. Check that the replication agreement has been created correctly.

    $ dsconf show-repl-agmt-status -h host -p port suffix-DN consumer-host:consumer-port
  3. If the authentication status is not OK, run the dsconf accord-repl-agmt command.

    Note –

    Only use the command dsconf accord-repl-agmt if you are using the default replication manager. If you have created a new replication manager, do not use this command because it overwrites some required settings.

    The dsconf accord-repl-agmt command ensures that both the supplier and destination servers share the same replication authentication settings.

    $ dsconf accord-repl-agmt -h host -p port suffix-DN consumer-host:consumer-port

    For example:

    $ dsconf accord-repl-agmt -h host2 -p 1389 dc=example,dc=com host1:1389