Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide

Extending the Scope of a Role

Directory Server provides an attribute that allows the scope of a role to be extended beyond the subtree of the role definition entry. This single-valued attribute, nsRoleScopeDN, contains the DN of the scope to be added to an existing role. The nsRoleScopeDN attribute can only be added to a nested role. See Example of a Nested Role Definition.

ProcedureTo Extend the Scope of a Role

You cannot use DSCC to perform this task. Use the command line, as described in this procedure.

The nsRoleScopeDN attribute enables you to extend the scope of a role in one subtree to include an entry in another subtree. For example, imagine two main subtrees in the directory tree: o=eng,dc=example,dc=com ( the engineering subtree) and o=sales,dc=example,dc=com (the sales subtree.) A user in the engineering subtree requires access to a sales application governed by a role in the sales subtree (SalesAppManagedRole). To extend the scope of the role, do the following:

  1. Create a role for the user in the engineering subtree.

    For example, create the role EngineerManagedRole. This example uses a managed role, but it could just as well have been a filtered or nested role.

  2. Create a nested role, for example, SalesAppPlusEngNestedRole , in the sales subtree to house the newly created EngineerManagedRole and the initial SalesAppManagedRole .

  3. Add the nsRoleScopeDN attribute to the SalesAppPlusEngNestedRole, with the DN of the engineering subtree scope that you want to add, in this case, o=eng,dc=example,dc=com.

    The necessary permissions must be granted to the engineering user so that he can access the SalesAppPlusEngNestedRole role and, in turn, the sales application. In addition, the entire scope of the role must be replicated.

    Note –

    The restriction of extended scope to nested roles means that an administrator who previously managed roles in one domain only has rights to use the roles that already exist in the other domain. The administrator is not able to create an arbitrary role in the other domain.