Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Reference

Introduction to ACIs

ACIs are stored in the aci operational attribute. The aci attribute is available for use on every entry in the directory, regardless of whether the aci attribute is defined for the object class of the entry. The aci attribute is multi-valued, therefore multiple ACIs can be defined for the same portion of a directory.

ACIs can be used to control access to the following portions of a directory:

ACIs can be used to define access for the following users:

Scope and Hierarchy in ACIs

ACIs can be created at any node in a directory tree, including the root DSE.

The scope of an ACI can be the target entry, the target entry and its immediate children, or the target entry and all of its children. When no scope is specified, the ACI applies to the target entry and all of its children.

When a server evaluates access permissions to an entry, it verifies the ACIs for the entry and the ACIs for the parent entries back up to the base of the entry’s root suffix.

Access to an entry in a server must be explicitly granted by an ACI. By default, ACIs define anonymous read access and allow users to modify their own entries, except for attributes needed for security. If no ACI applies to an entry, access is denied to all users except the Directory Manager.

Access granted by an ACI is allowed unless any other ACI in the hierarchy denies it. ACIs that deny access, no matter where they appear in the hierarchy, take precedence over ACIs that allow access to the same resource.

The Directory Manager is the only privileged user to whom access control does not apply. When a client is bound to the directory as the Directory Manager, the server does not evaluate any ACIs before performing operations.

In previous versions of Directory Server, ACIs could not be added or deleted directly under the root DSE. Now this limitation has been removed in Directory Server.

ACI Limitations

The following restrictions apply to ACIs

Default ACIs

The following default ACIs are defined on the root DSE:

ACIs and Replication

ACIs are stored as attributes of entries. Therefore, if an entry that contains ACIs is part of a replicated suffix, the ACIs are replicated like any other attribute.

ACIs are always evaluated locally, on the directory server that services the incoming LDAP requests.

When a consumer server receives an update request, the consumer server returns a referral to the master server for evaluation of whether the request can be serviced on the master.

Effective Rights

The effective rights feature can be used to obtain the following information:

To use the effective rights feature, you must have the access control rights to use the effective rights control and read access to the aclRights attribute.

If a proxy control is attached to an effective rights control-based search operation, the effective rights operation is authorized as the proxy user. Therefore the proxy user needs to have the right to use the effective rights control. The entries that the proxy user has the right to search and view are returned. For more information, see Chapter 6, Directory Server Access Control, in Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Administration Guide.