Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition 7.0 Troubleshooting Guide

ProcedureTo Collect DSCC 6.x Troubleshooting Data

  1. Verify that the Sun Java Web Console is running.

    # smcwebserver status
    Sun Java(TM) Web Console is running
  2. Verify the status of the DSCC.

    /opt/SUNWdsee/dscc6/bin/dsccsetup status

    If it is running correctly, this command should give the following output:

    DSCC Application is registered in Sun Java (TM) Web Console
    DSCC Agent is registered in Cacao
    DSCC Registry has been created
    Path of DSCC registry is /var/opt/sun/dscc6/dcc/ads
    Port of DSCC registry is 3998
  3. If the status says that the DSCC application is not registered, you need to reinitialize the DSCC.

    When the DSCC application is not registered, the DSCC does not appear in the Sun Java Web Console. Reinitialize the DSCC using the following command:

    # dsccsetup console-reg
  4. If the status says that the DSCC agent is not registered, reinitialize the agent.

    When the DSCC agent is not registered, the local Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances can not be managed from a remote DSCC. Reinitialize the agent using the following command:

    # dsccsetup cacao-reg
  5. If the status message states that the DSCC registry has not been created, initialize the DSCC registry.

    When the registry does not exist, the DSCC application needs to be initialized. Initialize the registry using the following command:

    # dsccsetup ads-create
  6. If the other actions do not help, run a clean setup for the DSCC.

    Running a clean setup resets the DSCC but in the process you lose the DSCC registry.

    Run each of the following commands:

    # /opt/SUNWdsee/dscc6/bin/dsccsetup dismantle
    #/opt/SUNWdsee/dscc6/bin/dsccsetup initialize

    These commands cleanup and reconfigure the DSCC and its agents.