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Sun Server Hardware Management Pack 2.0 User's Guide

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Introduction to the Sun Server Hardware Management Pack

Sun Server Hardware Management Pack Features

Sun Server Management Agents Features

Sun Server Hardware Management Agent

Sun Server Hardware SNMP Plugins

Sun Server Storage Management Agent

Sun Server CLI Tools


Installing Components

Getting Started


Getting the Software

Sun SSM Component Manager Overview

Upgrading from Previous Versions

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager in Interactive Mode

(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Interactively Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) How to Uninstall Interactively Using Component Manager

(Linux and Solaris) Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Linux and Solaris) How to Uninstall Using Component Manager in Unattended Mode

(Windows) Using Component Manager

(Windows) Using the Component Manager Graphic Interface

(Windows) How to Install Using Component Manager Graphic Interface

(Windows) How to Uninstall using Component Manager Graphic Interface

(Windows) Using Component Manager Command-line Interface

(Windows) How to Install Using Component Manager Command-line Interface

(Windows) How to Uninstall Using the Component Manager Command-line Interface


(Linux and Solaris) How to Install Component Manager

Before You Begin

You must download and uncompress the Hardware Management Pack on the target server before proceeding. You must carry out the following procedure as a user with root privileges.

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Navigate to the directory where you uncompressed the Hardware Management Pack package, and then navigate to the SOFTWARE subdirectory .

  3. Type the following:


    The Component Manager installer starts.

  4. To confirm that you want to install Component Manager, type Y at the following message:

    Install the Sun SSM Component Manager? [Y]es, [N]o>

    Component Manager is installed on to the server at the following path:


    When the installation of Component Manager is finished, the installer asks if you want to automatically start Component Manager in interactive mode.

Next Steps

Once you have installed Component Manager, you can choose to use either the interactive mode or unattended mode. For more information see: