Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.2 2005Q4 Release Notes


The following table lists the known issues related to the administration user interface.

Table 5 Known Issues in Administration




ROTATELOGS event on Windows is not triggered at the time specified. 


RESTART event on Windows is not triggered at the time specified. 


RECONFIG event on Windows is not triggered at the time specified. 


The timeout and retries parameters for the HTTP client cannot be configured through the administration interface.


The default value for the timeout parameter is five minutes and can be overridden by including the parameter, timeout= number of seconds in the http-client-config SAF of the obj.conf file.

The default value for the retries parameter is three. The number of request retries can be configured by including the parameter retries=number of retries in the http-client-config SAF of the obj.conf file.

The effective timeout is timeout x retries


The Restart Required link disappears if changes are made to the SOCKS configuration and the Proxy Server is restarted instead of the SOCKS Server. 


There maybe errors while accessing the administration interface on Windows. 


Ensure that the system32 directory on your system contains libnspr4.dll of version 4.5.1 or later else, copy the file from the %install_dir%\\bin\\proxy\\bin directory into the system32 directory and restart the administration server.


An ACL with a database that is registered with a name other than default does not work properly.


Add a new element, USERDB id=xyz in the proxy server instance server.xml file.


Cannot set ICPtimeout value to less than 400 milli seconds through the administration interface. Workaround

Edit the icp.conf file of the proxy instance to change the value of the timeout parameter.