Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.2 2005Q4 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Init-class directives.

The load-types function scans a file that tells it how to map filename extensions to MIME types. MIME types are essential for network navigation software like Netscape Navigator to tell the difference between file types. For example, they are used to tell an HTML file from a GIF file. See Chapter 6, MIME Types for more information.

Calling this function is crucial if you use Web Proxy Server Manager online forms or the FTP proxying capability.


Init fn=load-types

This function loads the MIME type file mime.types from the configuration directory (the same directory as magnus.conf and obj.conf). This function call is mandatory and in practice is always as shown in the syntax.


The following table describes parameters for the load-types function.

Table 5–14 load-types parameters




specifies either the full path to the global MIME types file or a filename relative to the server configuration directory. The proxy server comes with a default file called mime.types.


Optional parameter to a file with the same format as the global MIME types file, but it is used to maintain types that are applicable only to your server. 


Init fn=load-types mime-types=mime.types
Init fn=load-types mime-types=/tp/mime.types \\