Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.2 2005Q4 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in PathCheck-class directives.

The load-config function searches for configuration files in document directories and adds the file’s contents to the server’s existing configuration. These configuration files (also known as dynamic configuration files) specify additional access control information for the requested resource. Depending on the rules in the dynamic configuration files, the server may or may not allow the client to access the requested resource.

Each directive that invokes load-config is associated with a base directory, which is either stated explicitly through the basedir parameter or derived from the root directory for the requested resource. The base directory determines two things:

When you enable dynamic configuration files through the Server Manager interface, the system writes additional objects with ppath parameters into the obj.conf file. If you manually add directives that invoke load-config to the default object (rather than putting them in separate objects), the Server Manager interface might not reflect your changes.

If you manually add PathCheck directives that invoke load-config to the file obj.conf, put them in additional objects (created with the <OBJECT> tag) rather than putting them in the default object. Use the ppath attribute of the OBJECT tag to specify the partial path name for the resources to be affected by the access rules in the dynamic configuration file. The partial path name can be any path name that matches a pattern, which can include wildcard characters.

For example, the following <OBJECT> tag specifies that requests for resources in the directory D:/sun/proxy4/docs are subject to the access rules in the file my.nsconfig.

<Object ppath="D:/sun/server1/docs/*">PathCheck fn="load-config" 
	file="my.nsconfig" descend=1 basedir="D:/sun/server1/docs" </Object>

Note –

If the ppath resolves to a resource or directory that is higher in the directory tree (or is in a different branch of the tree) than the base directory, the load-config function is not invoked. This is because the base directory specifies the highest-level directory for which requests will invoke the load-config function.

The load-config function returns REQ_PROCEED if configuration files were loaded, REQ_ABORTED on error, or REQ_NOACTION when no files are loaded.


The following table describes parameters for the load-config function.

Table 5–56 load-config parameters




(Optional) Name of the dynamic configuration file containing the access rules to be applied to the requested resource. If not provided, the file name is assumed to be .nsconfig.


(Optional) Specifies a wildcard pattern of types to disable for the base directory, such as magnus-internal/cgi. Requests for resources matching these types are aborted.


(Optional) If present, specifies that the server should search in subdirectories of this directory for dynamic configuration files. For example, descend=1 specifies that the server should search subdirectories. No descend parameter specifies that the function should search only the base directory.


(Optional) Specifies base directory. This is the highest-level directory for which requests will invoke the load-config function, and is also the directory where the server starts searching for configuration files.

If basedir is not specified, the base directory is assumed to be the root directory that results from translating the requested resource’s URL to a physical path name. For example, if the request is for http://server-name/a/b/file.html, the physical file name would be /document-root/a/b/file.html.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


In this example, whenever the server receives a request for any resource containing the substring secret that resides in D:/Sun/WebServer61/server1/docs/nikki/ or a subdirectory thereof, it searches for a configuration file called checkaccess.nsconfig.

The server starts the search in the directory D:/Sun/WebServer61/server1/docs/nikki, and searches subdirectories too. It loads each instance of checkaccess.nsconfig that it finds, applying the access control rules contained therein to determine whether the client is allowed to access the requested resource.

<Object ppath="*secret*"> PathCheck fn="load-config" 
	file="checkaccess.nsconfig" basedir="D:/Sun/WebServer61/server1/docs/nikki" 
	descend="1" </Object>