Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.2 2005Q4 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in PathCheck-class directives.

The find-compressed function checks if a compressed version of the requested file is available. If the following conditions are met, find-compressed changes the path to point to the compressed file:

Not all clients support compression. The find-compressed function allows you to use a single URL for both the compressed and noncompressed versions of a file. The version of the file that is selected is based on the individual clients’ capabilities.

A compressed version of a file must have the same file name as the noncompressed version but with a .gz suffix. For example, the compressed version of a file named /httpd/docs/index.html would be named /httpd/docs/index.html.gz. To compress files, you can use the freely available gzip program.

Because compressed files are sent as is to the client, you should not compress files such as SHTML pages, CGI programs, or pages created with Java Server PagesTM (JSPTM) technology that need to be interpreted by the server. To compress the dynamic content generated by these types of files, use the http-compression filter.

The find-compressed function does nothing if the HTTP method is not GET or HEAD.


The following table describes parameters for the find-compressed function.

Table 5–51 find-compressed parameters




Specifies whether to check if the compressed version is older than the noncompressed version. Possible values are yesand no.

  • If set to yes, the compressed version will not be selected if it is older than the noncompressed version.

  • If set to no, the compressed version will always be selected, even if it is older than the noncompressed version.

    By default, the value is set to yes.


Specifies whether to insert a Vary: Accept-Encoding header. Possible values are yesor no.

  • If set to yes, a Vary: Accept-Encoding header is always inserted when a compressed version of a file is selected.

  • If set to no, a Vary: Accept-Encoding header is never inserted.

    By default, the value is set to yes.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


<Object name="default">NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="*.html" 
	name="find-compressed"...</Object><Object name="find-compressed">
	PathCheck fn="find-compressed"</Object>

See Also
