Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.2 2005Q4 Configuration File Reference

Authentication/Ban Host Entries

There are two lines in authentication/ban host entries. The first is the authentication line.


auth source-hostmask source-portrange auth-methods


source-hostmask identifies which hosts the SOCKS server will authenticate.

source-portrange identifies which ports the SOCKS server will authenticate.

auth-methods are the methods to be used for authentication. You can list multiple authentication methods in order of your preference. In other words, if the client does not support the first authentication method listed, the second method will be used instead. If the client does not support any of the authentication methods listed, the SOCKS server will disconnect without accepting a request. If you have more than one authentication method listed, they should be separated by commas with no spaces in between. Possible authentication methods are:

The second line in the authentication/ban host entry is the ban host line.


ban source-hostmask source-portrange


source-hostmask identifies which hosts are banned from the SOCKS server.

source-portrange identifies from which ports the SOCKS server will not accept requests.


auth 1024 u,-ban 1024