Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Release Notes

Known Issues

This section lists the more important known issues and limitations at the time of the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 release. The issues are listed by category:


The following table lists the known issues related to the administration user interface.

Table 7 Known Issues in Administration




Conflicting error message is displayed when server instance fails to start. 

The chances of occurrence of this conflicting error message is minimal as the chances of the administration interface writing wrong information in the configuration file is minimal. It can only occur if the user manually writes wrong information into the configuration file.  


The timeout and retries parameters for the HTTP client cannot be configured through the administration interface.

Note –

The timeout parameter for init-proxy does not function as expected. Use the http-client-config SAF instead.


The default value for the timeout parameter is five minutes and can be overridden by including the parameter, timeout= number of seconds in the http-client-config SAF of the obj.conf file.

The default value for the retries parameter is three. The number of request retries can be configured by including the parameter retries=number of retries in the http-client-config SAF of the obj.conf file.

The effective timeout is timeout x (retries+1).


The Restart Required link disappears if changes are made to the SOCKS configuration and the Proxy Server is restarted instead of the SOCKS Server. 


Proxy Server administration interface is not localized. 


Daylight Savings Time (DST) will start in USA from the 2nd Sunday of March and end on the 1st Sunday of November. This will impact the date and time rules of the operating system and JRE.  


In the standalone version of proxy server 4.0.4, JRE version compatible with 2007 DST changes is bundled with the installer (See ID no. 6519072 in Issues resolved in 4.0.4). However, you need to address the impact on the date and time rules of the operating system by installing the appropriate operating system patches as explained in step 1 of the Workaround.


For the JavaES 5 installation of proxy server 4.0.4, you need to install the operating system patches and also the compatible version of JRE . Follow steps 1 and 2 of the Workaround. 


  1. Download and use the appropriate operating system patches. You can download the Solaris patches from

    For other platforms, download similar DST compatible patches from the operating system vendor's web site.

  2. For Solaris, Windows, and Linux, run proxy server with JRE 1.4.2_13. For HP-UX, run proxy server with JRE


The following table lists the known issues related to caching.

Table 8 Known Issues in Caching




When a new partition is added a default section s0.0 is also created irrespective of the partition size. Warning messages are logged in the errors file. 


Use the cbuild utility to add the new partition or delete the s0.0 folder under the new cache partition, and restart the proxy server.

The error messages can be ignored. 


The following table lists the known issues related to installation.

Table 9 Known Issues in Installation




Windows console installation fails. 


The installer throws an exception and the installation fails on Linux if the user installs the Proxy Server as a non-root user and the /var/opt/sun/install directory does not exist.


Silent upgrade installation does not work. 


The following table lists the known issues related to internationalization.

Table 10 Known Issues in Internationalization




The Disable Proxying option does not work for the URL with multibyte data (URL encoded) when routing is set through another proxy server. 


A URL with multibyte data (URL encoded) cannot be mapped. 


Starting the server in a different system encoding causes any errors returned by the system in that particular system encoding to be logged in the error log. When viewed through the Administration server, the error log might have characters in system encoding that do not display properly. 


Change the browser encoding to match the OS locale so that the error log can be properly viewed through the administration interface. But this will be needed every time you move to other pages and then return to View Error Log again. 


Proxy server's content rewriting function is inconsistent.  

6526476 and 6526488 

In a standalone installation of proxy server on HP-UX, the installation in GUI mode results in the display of corrupted Japanese characters (ID no. 6526476). If the installation is continued, it results in error while creating an instance (ID no. 6526488).  


You can use either of the following workarounds: 

  • Use the CLI mode of installation for Japanese locale on HP-UX.

  • Continue the installation even with the corrupted display of characters. When the installer fails to create an instance, log in to the administration interface and create an instance.


The localized online help has a broken link. 


The following table lists the known issues related to SOCKS.

Table 11 Known Issues in SOCKS




The Quench Updates feature is shown in the GUI and documented for the Server Manager > SOCKS > Configure SOCKS v5 page, but the feature is not implemented. 


No error is reported when two instances of SOCKS are started using the same port on Windows. 


SOCKS server start command line issue for JavaES 4 is resolved in this release, but existing instances created in JavaES 4 installation will have the problem even after upgrading to the latest 4.0.3 patches. The new instances created after upgrade will not have this problem. This problem is not there in stand-alone installation of web proxy server.