Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Administration Guide

Configuring Proxy Array Members

You must configure each member in the proxy array once from the member itself. You cannot configure a member of the array from another member. You also need to configure the master proxy.

ProcedureTo Configure Each Member of the Proxy Array

  1. Access the Server Manager, and click the Caching tab.

  2. Click the Configure Proxy Array Member link.

    The Configure Proxy Array Member page is displayed.

  3. In the Proxy Array section, indicate whether the member needs to poll for the PAT file by selecting the appropriate radio button.

    • Non-Master Member. Select this option if the member you are configuring is not the master proxy. Any proxy array member that is not a master proxy must poll for the PAT file in order to retrieve it from the master proxy.

    • Master Member.Select this option if you are configuring the master proxy. If you are configuring the master proxy, the PAT file is local and does not need to be polled.

  4. In the Poll Host field, type the name of the master proxy to be polled for the PAT file.

  5. In the Port field, type the port at which the master proxy accepts HTTP requests.

  6. In the URL field, type the URL of the PAT file on the master proxy. If you have created a PAT mapping on the master proxy, to map the PAT file to the URL /pat, you should type /pat in the URL field.

  7. (Optional) In the Headers File field, type the full path name for a file with any special headers that must be sent with the HTTP request for the PAT file, such as authentication information.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Restart Required.

    The Apply Changes page is displayed.

  10. Click the Restart Proxy Server button to apply the changes.