Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Administration Guide

Cache Batch Update

The cache batch update feature enables you to pre-load files from a specified web site or perform an up-to-date check on documents already in the cache. This is typically initiated when the load on the Proxy Server is at its lowest. You can create, edit, and delete batches of URLs and enable and disable batch updating on the Cache Batch Updates page.

You can actively cache content as opposed to on-demand caching, by specifying files to be updated in batch. The Proxy Server enables you to perform an up-to-date check on several files currently in the cache, or pre-load multiple files in a particular web site.

At larger sites with a network of servers and proxies, you might want to use batch updating to pre-load a given area of the web. The batch process performs a recursive descent across links in the document and caches the content locally. This function can be a burden on remote servers, so be careful. The parameters in the bu.conf configuration file help to keep the process from performing recursion indefinitely and provide some control of this process.

Use the Proxy Server access logs to determine which sites are the most commonly active and perform a batch update on those sites to increase performance.