Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Administration Guide

Example #2 certmap.conf File With Two Mappings

The following example file has two mappings: one for default and another for the US Postal Service.

certmap default defaultdefault:DNCompsdefault:FilterComps e, uid

certmap usps ou=United States Postal Service, o=usps, c=USusps:DNComps ou,o,cusps:FilterComps eusps:verifycert on

When the server receives a certificate from anyone other than the US Postal Service, it uses the default mapping, which starts at the top of the LDAP tree and searches for an entry matching the client’s email address and user ID. If the certificate is from the US Postal Service, the server starts its search at the LDAP branch containing the organizational unit and searches for matching email addresses. Also the server verifies the certificate. Other certificates are not verified.

Caution – Caution –

The issuer DN (that is, the CA’s information) in the certificate must be identical to the issuer DN listed in the first line of the mapping. In the previous example, a certificate from an issuer DN that is o=United States Postal Service,c=US will not match because the DN has no space between the o and the c attributes.