Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Administration Guide

Configuration Files

The configuration and behavior of Sun Java System Web Proxy Server is determined by a set of configuration files. Settings configured in the administration interface are reflected in the configuration files. The files can also be edited manually.

The configuration files reside in the directory instance-dir/config, where instance-dir is the server instance. The config directory contains various configuration files that control different components. The number and names of the configuration files depend on which components have been enabled or loaded. This directory always contains four configuration files that are essential to server operation. The following table lists the four essential configuration files and their contents.

Table 1–1 Essential Configuration Files




Most of the server configuration (new in this Proxy Server release) 


Global server initialization information 


Instructions for handling requests from clients 


Information for determining the content type of requested resources 

For detailed information about these files and other configuration files, see the Proxy Server 4.0.4 Configuration File Reference.