Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Administration Guide

To Run the Log Analyzer From the Command Line

To analyze access log files from the command line, run theflexanlg tool , which is in the directory server-install/extras/flexanlg.

To run flexanlg, type the following command and options at the command prompt:

./flexanlg [-n name] [-x] [-r] [-p order] [-i file]* [ -m metafile ]* [-o file][-c opts] [-t opts] [-l opts]

Options marked * can be repeated.

You can display this information online by 
typing ./flexanlg -h.

-P: proxy log format                                  Default: no
-n servername: The name of the server
-x : Output in HTML                                   Default: no
-r : Resolve IP addresses to hostnames                Default: no
-p [c,t,l]: Output order (counts, time stats, lists)  Default: ctl
-i filename: Input log file                           Default: none
-o filename: Output log file                          Default: stdout
-m filename: Meta file                                Default: none
-c [h,n,r,f,e,u,o,k,c,z]: Count these item(s) -       Default: hnreuokc
    h: total hits
    n: 304 Not Modified status codes (Use Local Copy)
    r: 302 Found status codes (Redirects)
    f: 404 Not Found status codes (Document Not Found)
    e: 500 Server Error status codes (Misconfiguration)
    u: total unique URL’s
    o: total unique hosts
    k: total kilobytes transferred
    c: total kilobytes saved by caches
    z: Do not count any items.
-t [sx,mx,hx, xx,z]: Find time stats -      Default:s5m5h10u10a10r10x10
    s(number): Find top (number) seconds of log
    m(number): Find top (number) minutes of log
    h(number): Find top (number) hours of log
    u(number): Find top (number) users of log
    a(number): Find top (number) user agents of log
    r(number): Find top (number) referers of log
    x(number): Find top (number) for miscellaneous keywords
    z: Do not find any time stats.
-l [cx,hx]: Make a list of -                          Default: c+3h5
    c(x,+x): Most commonly accessed URL’s
             (x: Only list x entries)
             (+x: Only list if accessed more than x times)
    h(x,+x): Hosts (or IP addresses) most often accessing your server
             (x: Only list x entries)
             (+x: Only list if accessed more than x times)
    z: Do not make any lists.