Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure the Local Proxy Server in Your ICP Neighborhood

You need to configure each neighbor, or local proxy, in your ICP neighborhood.

  1. Access the Server Manager, and click the Caching tab.

  2. Select the Configure ICP link.

    The Configure ICP page is displayed.

  3. In the Binding Address field, type the IP address to which the neighbor server will bind.

  4. In the Port field, type the port number to which the neighbor server will listen for ICP.

  5. In the Multicast Address field, type the multicast address to which the neighbor listens.

    A multicast address is an IP address to which multiple servers can listen. Using a multicast address enables a proxy to send one query to the network that all neighbors who are listening to that multicast address can see. This technique eliminates the need to send a query to each neighbor separately.

    If both a multicast address and bind address are specified for the neighbor, the neighbor uses the bind address to send replies and uses multicast to listen. If neither a bind address or a multicast address is specified, the operating system will decide which address to use to send the data.

  6. In the Default Route field, type the name or IP address of the proxy to which the neighbor should route a request when none of the neighboring proxies respond with a hit.

    If you type the word “origin” into this field, or if you leave the field blank, the default route will be to the origin server.

    If you choose “first responding parent” from the No Hit Behavior drop-down list , the route you type in the Default Route field will have no effect. The proxy only uses this route if you choose the default “no hit” behavior.

  7. In the second Port field, type the port number of the default route machine that you typed into the Default Route field.

  8. From the On No Hits, Route Through drop-down list, select the neighbor’s behavior when none of the siblings in the ICP neighborhood have the requested URL in their caches.

    The available options are:

    • first responding parent. The neighbor will retrieve the requested URL through the parent that first responds with a miss

    • default route. The neighbor will retrieve the requested URL through the machine specified in the Default Route field

  9. In the Server Count field, type the number of processes that will service ICP requests.

  10. In the Timeout field, type the maximum amount of time the neighbor will wait for an ICP response in each round.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click Restart Required.

    The Apply Changes page is displayed.

  13. Click the Restart Proxy Server button to apply the changes.