Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Filter out HTML Tags

  1. Access the Server Manager, and click the Filters tab.

  2. Click the Set HTML Tag Filters link.

    The Set HTML Tag Filters page is displayed.

  3. Choose the template you want to modify.

    You might choose HTTP, or you might choose a template that specifies only certain URLs such as those from hosts in the .edu domain.

  4. Select the default HTML tags you want to filter.

    • APPLET usually surrounds Java applets.

    • SCRIPT indicates the start of JavaScript code.

    • IMG specifies an inline image file.

  5. You can type any HTML tags you want to filter.

    Type the beginning and ending HTML tags.

    For example, to filter out forms, you could type FORM in the Start Tag box and /FORM in the End Tag box. The HTML tags are not case-sensitive. If the tag you want to filter does not have an end tag, such as OBJECT and IMG, you can leave the End Tag box empty.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Restart Required.

    The Apply Changes page is displayed.

  8. Click the Restart Proxy Server button to apply the changes.