Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Set the Directory Server to Use the DES algorithm

  1. Launch the Sun Java System Directory Server Console.

  2. Open your Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 SP1 (or later version) instance.

  3. Select the Configuration tab.

  4. Click the + sign next to plug-ins.

  5. Select the DES plug-in.

  6. Choose Add to add a new attribute.

  7. Type iplanetReversiblePassword.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Set a Digest authentication password.

    Note –

    The server uses the iplanetReversiblePassword attribute which is in the object class iplanetReversiblePassword. To use a Digest authentication password in the iplanetReversiblePassword attribute for a user, your entry must include the iplanetReversiblePasswordobject object.

    This can be done using ldapmodify or using the Directory Server administration interface.

    Using ldapmodify

    Create a file digest.ldif to store the LDAP commands. Adding the password is a two-step process.

    1. Add the object class to the digest.ldif.

      The file looks similar to the following (you can have more ldif files based on the Directory Server users and the ACL):

    2. # ldapmodify -D “cn={CN_Value}” -w <password> -a <ldif_file_name>

  10. Restart your Sun Java System Directory Server instance and verify that the user attributes are added to the Directory Server database.