Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Administration Guide

Adding Servers to a Cluster

When a Proxy Server is added to a cluster, its Administration Server and port number are specified. If that Administration Server contains information about more than one server, all of its servers are added to the cluster. Individual servers can be removed at a later time.

If a remote Administration Server contains information about a cluster, the servers in the remote cluster are not added. The master Administration Server adds only those servers that are physically installed on the remote computer.

ProcedureTo Add Remote Servers to a Cluster

  1. Make sure that the master Administration Server is turned on.

  2. Access the master Administration Server and click the Cluster tab.

  3. Click the Add Server link.

  4. Choose the protocol used by the remote Administration Server:

    • HTTP for a typical Administration Server

    • HTTPS for a secure Administration Server

  5. Type the fully qualified host name of the remote Administration Server as it appears in the magnus.conf file, for example,

  6. Type the port number for the remote Administration Server.

  7. Type the administrator user name and password for the remote Administration Server and click OK.

    The master Administration Server attempts to contact the remote server. If successful, you are prompted to confirm the addition of the server to the cluster.

    Note –

    When cluster control is enabled, the master of the cluster creates a number of files in the proxy-serverid/config/cluster/server-name/proxy-serverid directory for each slave in the cluster. These files are not configurable.