Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Administration Guide

Scheduler-based Log Rotation

Scheduler-based log rotation is based on the time and day stored in the server.xml file in the server-root/proxy-server_name/config/ directory. This method allows you to archive log files immediately or have the server archive log files at a specific time on specific days. The server’s scheduler configuration options are stored in server.xml in the server-root/proxy-server_name/config/ directory. Logs rotated using the scheduler-based method are saved in the following format:


For example, access might become access.200505171630 when it is rotated at 4:30 p.m.

Log rotation is initialized at server startup. If rotation is turned on, the Proxy Server creates a time-stamped access log file and rotation starts at server startup.

Once the rotation starts, the Proxy Server creates a new time stamped log file when a request or error occurs after the prior-scheduled “next rotate time” that needs to be logged to the access or error log file.

Note –

Archive the server logs before running the log analyzer.

To archive log files and to specify whether to use the Internal daemon method or the scheduler-based method, use the Archive Log page in the Server Manager.