Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Administration Guide

Transfer Time Report

The transfer time report shows the information about the time used by the proxy server to process a transaction. This report shows values for the following categories:

Average transaction time: The average of all transfer times logged.

Average transfer time without caching: the average of transfer times for transactions that are not returned from the cache, that is those transaction that result in a 200 response from remote server.

Average with caching, without errors: The average of transfer times for all non-error transactions, that is those transaction, 2xx and 3xx status codes.

Average transfer time improvement: The average transaction time minus the average transfer time with caching, without errors.

The following example is a sample transfer time report.

- Average transaction time... 1.48 sec/req- Ave xfer time w/o caching.. 
	0.90 sec/req- Ave w/caching, w/o errors.. 0.71 sec/req - Ave xfer 
	time improvement.. 0.19 sec/req