Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Administration Guide

Building the Cache Directory Structure

The proxy utility called cbuild is an offline cache database manager. This utility enables you to create a new cache structure or modify an existing cache structure using the command-line interface. You can use the Server Manager pages to enable the proxy to use the newly created cache.

Note –

The utility does not update the server.xml file. cbuild cannot resize a cache that has multiple partitions. When the cache is created or modified by cbuild, the cachecapacity parameter should be manually updated in the server.xml file.

<PARTITION partitionname="part1" partitiondir="/home/build/install9
/proxy-server1/cache" maxsize="1600" minspace="5" enabled="true"/>
<CACHE enabled="true" cachecapacity="2000" cachedir="/tmp/cache">

You can invoke the cbuild utility in two modes. The first mode is:

cbuild -d conf-dir -c cache-dir -s cache size 
cbuild -d conf-dir -c cache-dir -s cache size -r

For example:

cbuild -d server_root/proxy-serverid/config 
	-c server_root/proxy-serverid/cache -s 512
cbuild -d server_root/proxy-serverid/config 
	-c server_root/proxy-serverid/cache -s 512 -r


The second mode is:

cbuild -d conf-dir -c cache-dir -n cache-dim
cbuild -d conf-dir -c cache-dir -n cache-dim -r

For example:

cbuild -d server_root/proxy-serverid/config 
	-c server_root/proxy-serverid/cache -n 3
cbuild -d server_root/proxy-serverid/config 
	-c server_root/proxy-serverid/cache -n 3 -r
