Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Set Cache Specifics

  1. Access the Server Manager, and click the Caching tab.

  2. Click the Set Cache Specifics link.

    The Set Cache Specifics page is displayed.

  3. You can enable or disable the cache by selecting the appropriate option.

    The cache is enabled by default.

  4. Provide the working directory.

    By default the working directory is present under the proxy instance. This location can be changed. For more information, see Creating a Cache Working Directory.

  5. Click the partition configuration link.

    The Add/Edit Cache Partitions page is displayed. You can add a new cache partition or edit existing cache paritions. Cache size is the maximum size the cache is allowed to grow. The maximum cache size is 32Gbytes. For more information, see Setting Cache Size.

  6. Click the cache capacity configuration link.

    The Set Cache Capacity page is displayed. You can set the cache capacity on the Set Cache Capacity page.

  7. Select the Cache HTTP to enable caching of HTTP documents.

    If you decide that you want your proxy server to cache HTTP documents, determine whether it should always do an up -to-date check for the documents in the cache or whether it should check based on an interval. You can also enable or disable the Proxy Server from reporting cache hits to the remote server. For more information, see Caching HTTP Documents. The available options are:

    • Select the Always Check That The Document Is Up To Date option to ensure that the HTTP document is always up-to- date.

      • Select the number of hours from the Check Only If Last Check More Than drop-down list to specify the refresh interval for the proxy server. The up-to-date check is performed using any one of the following options:

        • Use Last-modified Factor. The last modified header that is sent by the origin server along with the document.

        • Use Only Explicit Expiration Information. The proxy server uses the Expires header to decide if the cache entry is fresh or stale.

        Select the Never Report Accesses To Remote Server option to prevent the proxy server from reporting the number of accesses to the remote server.

      • Select the Report Cache Hits To Remote Server option to track the number of times a document was accessed and report it back to the remote server.

  8. Set the refresh interval for cached FTP documents by selecting the Yes; Reload If Older Than checkbox and also set the time interval by selecting the value from the drop-down list. For more information, see Caching FTP and Gopher Documents.

  9. You can set the refresh interval for cached Gopher documents. Select the Yes; Reload If Older Than checkbox and also set the time interval by selecting the value from the drop-down list. For more information, see Caching FTP and Gopher Documents.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Restart required. The Apply Changes page is displayed.

  12. Click the Restart Proxy Server button to apply the changes.