Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference

Configuration Files

The configuration and operation of the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server is controlled by configuration files. The configuration files reside in the directory instance-directory/config. This directory contains various configuration files for controlling different components. The exact number and names of configuration files depend on which components have been enabled or loaded into the server.

This directory always contains four configuration files that are essential for the server to operate. These files are:

server.xml File

This file contains most of the server configuration. A schema file, sun-web-proxy-server_4_0.dtd, defines its format and content.

For more information about how the server uses sun-web-proxy-server_4_0.dtd and server.xml, see Chapter 2, Server Configuration Elements in the server.xml file.

magnus.conf File

This file sets values of variables that configure the server during initialization. The server looks at this file and executes the settings on startup. The server does not look at this file again until it is restarted.

See Chapter 3, Syntax and Use of the magnus.conf File, for a list of all the variables that can be set in magnus.conf.

obj.conf File

This file contains instructions for the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server about how to handle HTTP requests from clients and proxy requests to the origin server that services the content. The server looks at the configuration defined by this file every time it processes a request from a client.

This file contains a series of instructions (directives) that tell the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server what to do at each stage in the request-response process. You can modify and extend the request handling process by adding or changing the instructions in obj.conf.

All obj.conf files are located in the instance-directory/config directory.

The obj.conf file is essential to the operation of the Sun Java System Web Proxy Server. When you make changes to the server through the Administration interface, the system automatically updates obj.conf.

For information about how the server uses obj.conf, see Chapter 4, Syntax and Use of the obj.conf File.

mime.types File

This file maps file extensions to MIME types to enable the server to determine the content type of a requested resource. For example, requests for resources with .html extensions indicate that the client is requesting an HTML file, while requests for resources with .gif extensions indicate that the client is requesting an image file in GIF format.

For more information about how the server uses mime.types, see “MIME Types.”

Other Configuration Files

For information about other important configuration files, see Chapter 7, Other Server Configuration Files.