Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Init-class directives.

The pa-init-proxy-array function initializes a proxy array member and specifies information about the PAT file for the array of which it is a member.

Note –

The load modules directive should come before the pa-init-proxy-array function in the obj.conf file.


Init fn=pa-init-proxy-array    set-status-fn=pa-set-member-status
    file="absolute filename"
    pollhost="host name"
    pollport="port number"
    pollhdrs="absolute filename"


The following table describes the parameter for the pa-init-proxy-array function.

Table 5–17 pa-init-proxy-array Parameters




Specifies the function that sets the status for the member. 


Indicates whether the array member should poll for a PAT file. 

  • yes means that the member should poll for the PAT file. A member should only poll for a PAT file if it is not the master proxy. The master proxy has a local copy of the PAT file, and therefore does not need to poll for it.

  • no means that the member should not poll for the PAT file. A member should not poll for the PAT file if it is the master proxy.


The full path name of the PAT file. 


The host name of the proxy to be polled for the PAT file. Specify this parameter only if the poll parameter is set to yes, meaning that the member is not the master proxy.


The port number on the poll host that should be contacted when polling for the PAT file. Specify this parameter only specify if the poll parameter is set to yes, meaning that the member is not the master proxy.


The full path name of the file that contains any special headers that must be sent with the HTTP request for the PAT file. This parameter is optional and should only be specified if the poll parameter is set to yes, meaning that the member is not the master proxy.


The URL of the PAT file to be polled for. Specify this parameter only if the poll parameter is set to yes, meaning that the member is not the master proxy.


Specifies whether the parent array member is on or off.


The following example tells the member not to poll for the PAT file. This example would apply to a master proxy.

Init fn=pa-init-proxy-array    poll="no"

The following example specifies that the member should poll for a PAT file. This member is not the master proxy.

Init fn=pa-init-proxy-array    poll="yes"    
	pollhost="proxy1"    pollport="8080"    
	status="on" set-status-fn=set-member-status  pollurl="/pat"