Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in PathCheck-class directives.

UNIX Only. The find-links function searches the current path for symbolic or hard links to other directories or file systems. If any are found, an error is returned. This function is normally used for directories that are not trusted such as user home directories. The function prevents someone from pointing to information that should not be made public.


The following table describes parameters for the find-links function.

Table 5–54 find-links Parameters




Character string of links to disable: 

  • h is hard links

  • s is soft links

  • o allows symbolic links from user home directories only if the user owns the target of the link


Directory to begin checking. If you specify an absolute path, any request to that path and its subdirectories is checked for symbolic links. If you specify a partial path, any request containing that partial path is checked for symbolic links. For example, if you use /user/ and a request comes in for some/user/directory, then that directory is checked for symbolic links.


Checks linked file for existence and aborts request with 403 (forbidden) if this check fails.


(Optional) Common to all obj.conf functions.


PathCheck fn=find-links disable=sh dir=/foreign-dir
PathCheck fn=find-links disable=so dir=public_html

See Also
