Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference

Access Control Entries


permit|deny auth-type connection-type source-hostmask dest-hostmask source-portrange dest-portrange 


auth-type indicates the authentication method for which this access control line applies.

connection-type indicates the type of command the line matches. Possible command types are:

source-hostmask indicates the hosts for which the access control entry applies.

dest-hostmask indicates the hosts for which the access control entry applies.

source-portrange indicates the ports for which the access control entry applies.

dest-portrange is the port number of the destination.

LDAP-group is the group to deny or permit access to. This value is optional. If no LDAP group is identified, the access control entry applies to everyone.


permit u c - - - [0-1023] group1

Specifying Ports

You will need to specify ports for many entries in your socks5.conf file. Ports can be identified by a name, number, or range. Ranges that are inclusive should be surrounded by square brackets ([ ]). Ranges that are not inclusive should be in parentheses.