Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference

DNS Lookup

This section lists the directives in magnus.conf that affect DNS (Domain Name System) lookup. The directives are:


Specifies whether asynchronous DNS is allowed. This directive is ignored. Even if the value is set to on, the server does not perform asynchronous DNS lookups.

DNS Directive

The DNS directive specifies whether the server performs DNS lookups on clients that access the server. When a client connects to your server, the server receives the client’s IP address but not its host name. For example, the server identifies the client as, rather than its host name The server will resolve the client’s IP address into a host name for operations like access control, CGI, error reporting, and access logging.

If your server responds to many requests per day, you might or need to stop host name resolution. Limiting resolution can reduce the load on the DNS or NIS (Network Information System) server.


DNS [on|off]


DNS host name resolution is off as a default


DNS on