Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Init-class directives.

The flex-rotate-init function configures log rotation for all log files on the server, including error logs and the common-log, flex-log, and record-useragent AddLog SAFs. Call this function in the Init section of magnus.conf before calling flex-init. The flex-rotate-init function enables you to specify a time interval for rotating log files. At the specified time interval, the server moves the log file to a file whose name indicates the time of the move. The log functions in the AddLog stage in obj.conf then start logging entries in a new log file. The server does not need to be shut down while the log files are being rotated.

Note –

The server keeps all rotated log files so clean them up as necessary to free disk space.

By default, log rotation is disabled.


The following table describes parameters for the flex-rotate-init function.

Table 5–5 flex-rotate-init Parameters




Indicates the time to start rotation. This value is a four-digit string indicating the time in 24-hour format. For example, 0900 indicates 9 a.m., while 1800 indicates 9 p.m. 


Indicates the number of minutes to elapse between each log rotation. 


(Optional) Determines whether common-log, flex-log, and record-useragent logs are rotated (AddLog SAFs). Values are yes (the default), and no.


(Optional) Determines whether error logs are rotated. Values are yes (the default), and no.


(Optional) Specifies the file name of a user-supplied program to execute following log file rotation. The program is passed the post-rotation name of the rotated log file as its parameter. 


This example enables log rotation, starting at midnight and occurring every hour.

Init fn=flex-rotate-init rotate-start=2400 rotate-interval=60

See Also
