Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in PathCheck-class directives and Service-class directives.

The deny-service function sends a “Proxy Denies Access” error when a client tries to access a specific path. If this directive appears in a client region, the directive performs access control on the specified clients.

The proxy specifically denies clients instead of specifically allowing them access to documents. The default object is used when a client doesn’t match any client region in objects. Because the default object uses the deny-service function, no one is allowed access by default.


PathCheck fn=deny-service path=.*someexpression.*


The following table describes the parameter for the deny-service function.

Table 5–51 deny-service parameters




A regular expression representing the path to check. Not specifying this parameter is equivalent to specifying *. URLs matching the expression are denied access to the proxy server. 


<Object ppath="http://sun/.*">
# Deny servicing proxy requests for fun GIFs
PathCheck fn=deny-service path=.*fun.*.gif
# Make sure nobody except Sun employees can use the object
# inside which this is placed.
<Client dns=*~.*>
PathCheck fn=deny-service