Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference


Applicable in Route-class directives.

The set-origin-server function enables you to distributed load across a set of homogeneous HTTP origin servers by controlling which origin server the proxy server sends a request to.


The following table describes parameters for the set-origin-server function.

Table 5–132 set-origin-server Parameters




URL of an origin server. If multiple server parameters are given, the proxy server will distribute load among the specified origin servers. 


(Optional) Name of a cookie that, when present in a response, will cause subsequent requests to "stick" to that origin server. The default is JSESSIONID.


(Optional) Name of a URI parameter to inspect for route information. When the URI parameter is present in a request URI and its value contains a colon, ’:’, followed by a route ID, the request will "stick" to the origin server identified by that route ID. The default is jsessionid.


(Optional) Name of the HTTP request header used to communicate route IDs to origin servers. set-origin-server associates each origin server named by a server parameter with a unique route ID. Origin servers may encode this route ID in the URI parameter named by the sticky-param parameter to cause subsequent requests to "stick" to them. The default is Proxy-jroute.


(Optional) Name of the cookie generated by the proxy server when it encounters a sticky-cookie cookie in a response. The route-cookie cookie stores a route ID that enables the proxy server to direct subsequent requests back to the same origin server. The default is JROUTE.


(Optional) Boolean that indicates whether the Host HTTP request header is rewritten to match the host specified by the server parameter. The default is false, meaning the Host header is not rewritten.


(Optional) Boolean that indicates whether Location HTTP response headers that match the server parameter should be rewritten. The default is true, meaning matching Location headers are rewritten.


(Optional) Boolean that indicates whether Content-location HTTP response headers that match the server parameter should be rewritten. The default is true, meaning matching Content-location headers are rewritten.


(Optional) Boolean that indicates whether headername HTTP response headers that match the server parameter should be rewritten, where headername is a user-defined header name. With the exception of the Location and Content-location headers, the default is false, meaning the headername header is not rewritten.