Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Configuration File Reference


The certmap.conf file configures how a certificate, designated by name, is mapped to an LDAP entry, designated by issuerDN.




certmap name issuerDNname:property1 [value1]
name:property2 [value2]

The default certificate is named default, and the default issuerDN is also named default. Therefore, the first certmap defined in the file must be as follows:

certmap default default

Use # at the beginning of a line to indicate a comment.

See Also

Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 Administration Guide

The following table describes properties in the certmap.conf file. The left column lists the property names. The second column from the left lists allowed values. The third column from the left lists default values. The right column lists property descriptions.

Table 7–1 certmap.conf Properties


Allowed Values  

Default Value  



See Description 

Commented out 

Used to form the base DN for performing an LDAP search while mapping the certificate to a user entry. Values are as follows: 

  • Commented out: takes the user’s DN from the certificate as is.

  • Empty: searches the entire LDAP tree (DN == suffix).

  • Comma-separated attributes: forms the DN.


See Description 

Commented out 

Used to form the filter for performing an LDAP search while mapping the certificate to a user entry. Values are as follows: 

  • Commented out or empty: sets the filter to "objectclass=*".

  • Comma-separated attributes: forms the filter.


on or off

off (commented out)

Specifies whether certificates are verified. 


LDAP attribute name 

certSubjectDN (commented out) 

Specifies the name of the attribute in the LDAP database that contains the DN of the certificate. 


Path to shared lib or dll 


Specifies the library path for custom certificate mapping code. 


Name of initialization function 


Specifies the initialization function in the certificate mapping code referenced by library.