Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.5 NSAPI Developer's Guide


The pblock_findval function finds the value of a specified name in a pblock. If you just want the pb_param structure of the pblock, use the pblock_find function.

The pointer returned is a pointer into the pblock. Do not FREE it. If you want to modify it, do a STRDUP and modify the copy.


char *pblock_findval(char *name, pblock *pb);


A string containing the value associated with the name or NULL if no match was found.


char *name is the name of a name-value pair.

pblock *pb is the pblock to be searched.


see pblock_nvinsert.

See Also

pblock_create, pblock_copy, pblock_find, pblock_free, pblock_nvinsert, pblock_remove, request_header