Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.6 Administration Guide

Required CA Information

Before you start the request process, make sure you know what information your CA requires. The format of the requested information varies by CA, but you might typically be asked to provide the information listed below. Most of this information is usually not required for certificate renewals.

All information is combined as a series of attribute-value pairs called the distinguished name (DN), which uniquely identifies the subject of the certificate.

If you are purchasing your certificate from a commercial CA, you must contact the CA to find out what additional information they require before they issue a certificate. Most CAs require that you prove your identity. For example, they want to verify your company name and who is authorized by the company to administer the server, they also might ask whether you have the legal right to use the information you provide.

Some commercial CAs offer certificates with greater detail and veracity to organizations or individuals who provide more thorough identification. For example, you might be able to purchase a certificate stating that the CA has verified that you are the rightful administrator of the computer, and also that you are a company that has been in business for three years, and have no outstanding customer litigation.