Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.6 Administration Guide

Limiting Other Applications on the Server

Carefully consider all applications that run on the same computer as the server. Someone could circumvent your server’s security by exploiting holes in other programs running on your server. Disable all unnecessary programs and services. For example, the UNIX sendmail daemon is difficult to configure securely and can be programmed to run other, possibly detrimental, programs on the server computer.

UNIX and Linux

Carefully choose the processes started from inittab and rc scripts. Do not run telnet or rlogin from the server computer. You also should not have rdist on the server computer. This can distribute files but can also be used to update files on the server computer.


Carefully consider which drives and directories you share with other computers. Also, consider which users have accounts or guest privileges. Be careful about what programs you put on your server, or allow others to install. Other people’s programs might have security holes. Even worse, someone might upload a malicious program designed specifically to subvert your security. Always examine programs carefully before you allow them on your server.