Sun Java System Web Proxy Server 4.0.6 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Create Routing Entries

  1. Access the Server Manager for a server instance and click the SOCKS tab.

  2. Click the Set SOCKS v5 Routing link.

  3. In the Routing section, click the Add button.

  4. In the Host Mask field, type the IP address or host name for which incoming and outgoing connections must go through the specified interface.

    If you type an IP address, follow it with a forward slash and the mask to be applied to the incoming IP address. The SOCKS server applies this mask to the IP address to determine whether it is a valid host. Do not use spaces in the host mask entry. If you do not provide a host mask, the SOCKS v5 entry applies to all hosts.

    For example, you can type in the host mask field. If the host’s IP address is, the SOCKS server applies the mask to the IP address and determines that the host’s IP address matches the IP address for which the routing entry applies (

  5. In the Port Range field, type the ports for which incoming and outgoing connections must go through the specified interface. Your port range should not have any spaces.

    If you do not specify a port range, the SOCKS v5 entry applies to all ports.

    You can use brackets [ ] to include the ports at each end of the range or parentheses ( ) to exclude them. For example, [1000-1010] means all port numbers between and including 1000 and 1010, while (1000-1010) means all port numbers between, but not including, 1000 and 1010. You can also mix brackets and parentheses. For instance, (1000-1010] means all numbers between 1000 and 1010, excluding 1000, but including 1010.

  6. In the Interface/Address field, type the IP address or name of the interface through which incoming and outgoing connections must pass.

  7. From the Insert drop-down list, select the position for this entry in the socks5.conf file and click OK.

    Because you can have multiple routing methods, you must specify the order in which they are evaluated.

    Note –

    The interface specified should be used for both incoming and outgoing connections, otherwise the incoming route will be different from the configured interface and an error message will be received.